Bulletin – Week of Nov. 27, 2016

Bulletin – Week of Nov. 27, 2016

We greet one and all in the name of Jesus Christ. On this first Sunday of Advent, may we all prepare spiritually for Christ’s birth. The light shines in the darkness!

 Message: Sola Scriptura

 Scripture: Psalm 19:7-11

 Offering: General Fund

 Nov. 27, 2016

 Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Mike and Geralyn Cunningham and their children, Sissy Davis, Chuck Dean, Dave and Lisa DeSalvo, Denise Doezema, Scott Emory. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.


The children will be performing their Christmas program for us next Sunday, Dec. 4th. They will be having a full rehearsal this coming Saturday the 3rd.

Our monthly communion will be on December 11 instead of next Sunday.

The children will be given a bag of treats following the service next Sunday and we are in need of items to place in their bags. Donations may be dropped off to the church office this week or Saturday morning during their rehearsal.

We have teamed up with the Lighthouse Mission to bless the men in their long-term programs this Christmas through a Giving Tree. We will get to spread some joy to them with a gift during what can be a lonely time! To participate, you may pick out a gift tag from the tree located in the lobby/foyer. There are gift options such as a raincoat, tennis shoes and socks with notes on size and color. Please buy the gift, wrap it and return it to the church with the tag securely attached by Sunday, Dec. 18. Contact Christine Speyer if you have any questions on the gift.

The church secretary will be preparing the Dec. Heartbeat this week. Articles and notices should be to the church office prior to Nov. 30th.

Our annual congregational meeting was held last Sunday. The budget was approved by those in attendance. The following charities were approved to receive a portion of the outreach fund collected on the third Sunday of each Sunday: Envision, Seafarers, ICR, Lighthouse Mission and Streetcorners.

Thank you to all who purchased items that had not sold at the bazaar last week. After expenses $834.12 was earned on behalf of the church’s in-reach program.

Servants Next Sunday, Dec. 4: Greeters: Del and Pat Bosman; Snacks: Melissa Koning and Evelyn Kooistra; Serving Assistants: Zeke, Chantel, Abee, Maggie; Ushers: Bud Brouwer and Ken Wick; Prayer Room: Herm Laninga; Sunday school: No Class; Children and Worship: No class.

Vitality Pathway—EPIC Workshop. In this workshop, we’ll explore ways of navigating the challenging, and sometimes turbulent, waters of change in the local church. In the Veritas workshop we addressed the need for healthy missional change at Hope in Christ Church. In a future workshop we’ll address the specifics of exactly what we need to change.  In this workshop we’ll address how to change things effectively, constructively, and graciously. Please save the date: Saturday, December 10th, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. The doors will open for coffee and pastries at 8:30. Workbooks, lunch, and childcare will be provided. Please fill out one of the registration slips in the bulletins (so we’ll know how many workbooks and meals to provide) and place them in the registration box in the back of the sanctuary. Adults and teens 12 years and older are encouraged to attend.

Be sure to pick up a copy of the EPIC Journey Preparation Devotion booklet this morning. Each person is asked to take a booklet and begin reading it. There is a section to be read daily for the next ten days.

The Bethany Christian Services 18th annual Homes for the Holidays Tour will be held Dec. 10 from 1 to 5pm. All homes are in Lynden this year. Tickets are $20 and available at Grandiflora, Picket Fence and Bethany Office and at the homes the day of the tour.

The Lynden Music Festival’s traditional Christmas concert will be held Dec. 20 at 7pm at Bethel CRC.

The Lynden Choral Society’s annual “Messiah” performances will be Friday Dec 2 at 7pm and Saturday Dec. 3 at 2pm at Third CRC.

The seventh annual Lynden Christmas Church Choir Cantata will be held Dec. 11 at 4 and 6pm at Third CRC. 



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