Bulletin – Week of July 9, 2017

Bulletin – Week of July 9, 2017

We welcome with pleasure all visitors to our worship service. Please make yourself known to your fellow worshipers and to the pastor.

Order of Worship

Opening Song-    Everlasting God

Call to Worship- Psalm 34:1-4

Songs of Praise-  Open the Eyes of my Heart;   O God, You are my God

Litany of Confession-  Psalm 86:1-13

Songs of Response-  Give me an Undivided Heart;  Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit

Offering Kingdom Advancement Fund (General Fund)

Offering Song- What if I Gave Everything


Scripture- 1 Kings 18: 41-46

Message- Fervent Prayer

Song of Response– By Faith

Closing Song- Lead Me, Guide Me 


We look forward to hearing from guest Pastor Don Recker, as he will be giving the sermon next week.

Greeters: Don & Tena Vanderpol

Snacks: Gloria Groothuis and Connie Knutson

Serving Assistants: Amariah, Michal and Faith

Ushers: Deloris Perry and Elaine Snapper

Prayer Room: Ali Laninga


Each week we pray for members of our church family. This week please pray for:

Elder Michael Boer

Deloris Perry

Joe Pruitt

Debra Reamer

Mona Reardon

Don & Darlys Recker

Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.

Pray for persecuted churches worldwide. From “Open Doors,” we are asked to pray today for:  the country of Myanmar—that God would use new Christians’ Buddhist backgrounds to draw other Buddhists to Him. Pray also that Christian migrant workers in the country of Qatar would be able to show the love of Christ in their communities. For more information, see opendoorsusa.org.

The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. By “healthy” we mean pursuing Christ. By “missional” we mean pursuing Christ’s priorities in the world.  (From vitalitypathway.org)

This week’s Missional Marker is: Intentional Evangelism (Matthew 28:18-20)

We are burdened for the spiritual condition of those who do not yet know Christ.

We have identifiable pathways for evangelism to take place in our ministries.

Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to build spiritual friendships and know how to share their faith as God-birthed opportunities arise.

  — SERVE —

The Home mission / Office remodel date has been set for the week of July 31.  We would love volunteers to help with the demo, construction, painting, moving etc. as a home mission project.  More information about the plan and a signup sheet will be available in the foyer.   Deacons will be still collecting donations towards our goal of $5000.00 for the project.

Project Homeless Connect is a one-day, one-stop access to significant human services for people living with homelessness in Whatcom County.  The deacons encourage your participation by donating tarps to be distributed at this year’s event.  A variety of sizes can be found at most big box, home improvement, and sporting goods stores.  Harbor Freight in Sunset Square occasionally will even offer a coupon for a free tarp in their flyer.  Please bring tarps to deposit in the designated box in the foyer by Sunday, July 16.


Calling all campers! Several church families are camping in Birch Bay July 13-16 and at Deception Pass from Aug 10-13. For both weekends, we are in the vicinity of campsite #150. Book your own campsite and stay overnight. If overnight doesn’t work, consider coming for a day trip.  Contact Jennifer Boer if interested.

A CPR/First Aid class is being offered on July 29th from 10am-12:30pm in the Hope in Christ Church sanctuary.  If you would like to take the class and do not need certification, the class is free.  If you would like to be CPR certified, the fee is $20.  If you would like to be First Aid certified, the fee is $10. Class space is limited, so if you would to attend, please call Alice Brakke at 360-671-2155 ASAP to reserve your place.

You are all invited to the performance of ANNIE put on by Creative At Youth Theater at our church on Thursday and Friday, July 20 and 21 at 7 p.m., and Saturday, July 22 at 1 p.m.   Tickets are at the door.   $6.00 adults and $4.00 children.  You will receive $1.00 off each admission if you present this church bulletin at the ticket counter. (No children under 6 are admitted except for Saturday’s performance which is open to 4 and above, if you know a member of the cast.)

 Faithfest 2017 is coming to Lynden’s Northwest Washington Fairgrounds Haggen Expo Building on July 28–30. The gospel quartet Keepers of the Faith will host the event and welcome Master’s Voice, Evergreen Trio, the Arena Family, Elliot Fleck and the Taito family along with MC Lorne Clark in this first-ever weekend gospel music celebration in the Lynden area. There will be five concerts over the weekend including Friday at 6 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m. and 3 and 6 p.m. Save money and register ahead by visiting www.kotfquartet.com/faithfest. Tickets are $20 per concert at the door. For more information including Sunday’s concert time, call Mary Ann at 354-4815.

A ladies’ get-away weekend is being planned for September 8-10 at a place on Whidbey Island. We will be leaving around noon on Friday and back mid-afternoon on Sunday. Send an email to Terry Vander Woude at lt.vw@comcast.net to reserve one of the sixteen spots. Terry will reserve a house and provide further information once she knows how many will be joining her for a weekend of fun, laughter and relaxation (this is not a retreat).

Ruth Stadt invites all Wednesday morning Bible Study gals to her home for a salad luncheon on Wednesday, July 19 @ 12:30 PM.  If you are interested in coming to Bible Study this year, please join us!  Please confirm by calling  Ruth or the church office. Bible study books need to be ordered.  We will be studying I Corinthians, for 12 weeks, followed by II Corinthians.

To ladies of all ages……….Save the date!   Mark your calendars for a Harvest Tea on September 30, 2017.  More information will be forthcoming.


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