Sermons from November 2017

Sermons from November 2017

Battling Sin by Abiding in Christ

Sermon Outline of 1John 2:28-3:10   Abide in Christ (1Jn 2:28) Motivations for abiding in Christ Why would you care about abiding in Christ and fighting against sin in your life? When he comes there are only 2 ways to meet him (1Jn 2:28) John wants us to come in confidence. Meeting Christ ashamed is meeting him in judgment Two Troubling Verses (1Jn 3:9-10) Don’t forget this truth (1John 1:8, 10) By what is your life characterized by – sin or…

Antichrists (1John 2:18-27)

Sermon Outline Introduction John gives his 3rd endearing term of address. (1Jn 2:18) First thing John teaches us is that it is the last hour. Jesus and the gospel writers spoke about the ‘last days’ (Acts 2:17, 2Tim 3:1, 2Pt 3:3) It isn’t just the hour when Jesus died for the sins of people, (Jn 2:4, 7:30) Nor is it the hour when the gospel would become clear to the apostles, (Jn 16:25) Rather, it is the hour when any…