Bulletin – Week of April 7, 2019

Bulletin – Week of April 7, 2019


APRIL 7, 2019

Order of Worship

Awake My Soul

Call to Worship  Psalm 119

Ancient Words

How Firm a Foundation

Thy Word

God Has Spoken by His Prophets

Offering  Kingdom Advancement Fund

Speak O Lord


Message   Bible Study


Every Promise of Your Word

This I Believe

Standing on the Promises


The Lord’s Supper, which we celebrate today, is a way for the Christian to remember the sacrifice of Christ. If you have not yet believed in Christ as Savior, we invite you to watch and learn.  We are glad you are here! If you have questions about Jesus, please see Pastor Scott after the worship service. The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. It may contain egg.

Bible Reading for this Week

Read through Chapter 14 of Believe this week as you ponder the following questions:

  1. What in this chapter spoke to me the most? Was there something I saw in a new light?
  2. What in this chapter draws me to live more fully for Christ?
  3. Is there something that I would want to share from my heart with someone who may not know Jesus as their Savior?


Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:

  • Kyle S
  • Don & Elaine S
  • Lanny & Christine S
  • Ruth S
  • Kylie T
  • Donna V

Cyclone Idai Victims: More than 2.6 million people in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe are facing devastation in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai. World Renew is working to deliver emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies to the survivors affected by the disaster. Please pray for this urgent need. For more information or to donate, visit www.worldrenew.net/cycloneidai.


The Elders Welcome Philip B to Hope in Christ Church: We have reinstated his membership which was lapsed from River Terrace Church in East Lansing in 2011.

Bring Us Your Books! The H.I.C. Little Library is becoming a reality and now we need your help to keep it stocked! Please bring used Novels (fiction and non-fiction), Devotionals, Children’s Books, Teen Books, Bibles, D.V.Ds and C.Ds, etc. There is a container in the foyer to place your items. Thanks so much! From the Vitality Committee.

Help is Needed for the Regional Speech and Debate Event: We need 336 judges for our regional speech and debate event held in Lynden April 29-May 2. Zechariah, Heidi and Amber have qualified. No experience is required to be a judge. Your gift of time would be greatly appreciated. You can sign up at https://www.ncfca.org/r2-championship/

Buildings and Grounds Work Project: Helpers will be needed May 10, 11 and 18th to replace some sidings and windows on the Ministry House and also for painting after the project is complete. Doug Bosscher is leading the project and requests volunteers to help lower the cost of the project. We’ll have more information available as we get closer to the date.

Shower Connect: The start date has changed from April 11 to April 18th. Thank you for bringing towels! Wash cloths have been requested as well. The deacons will have a sign-up sheet in the foyer for you to sign-up to help on shower days. Volunteers will be needed to take a 21/2 hour shift and help with either setting up or taking down, and we would also like helpers to provide cookies.

Cascade Family Bible Camp is planned for July 4-8 this summer at Warm Beach Camp. There are exciting outdoor and inspirational events planned for the entire family. It is a weekend you will never forget. This year only: the camp is offering a 50% discount to first-time campers. There has never been a better time to invest in your family. Information and registration is at www.cascadefamilybiblecamp.org

Concert of Worship to Support Envision: Envision Mission is happy to announce a concert of worship with the Senti family on April 26 at 7 p.m. at Hope in Christ Church. Plan to sing along, enjoy the great music and snacks provided, and check out the new CD “Wake Up Oh Sleeper.” A love offering for the ministry will be taken.

Community Hymn Sing in Mount Vernon: Mount Vernon First CRC is hosting a community hymn sing on April 28 at 4 p.m. Anchoring the singing will be an amazing pipe organ, grand piano, cello, trumpets, flutes, and a violin. There will be no tickets or offering. Free DVDs of the evening will be available. Refreshments will follow. For more information, call the church at (360) 336-2405. The church is located at 701 W. Blackburn Road.

Redemptive Compassion Seminar: Come to hear Shannon Williamson, Executive Director of Love INC speak the morning of Saturday, May 4th as Hope in Christ Church hosts a seminar on Redemptive Compassion. More details may be found in the April Heartbeat newsletter.

April Heartbeat Newsletter:  The April edition of “The Heartbeat” is available online, or printed copies may be found in the foyer.


The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is: Transforming Communities Through Active Compassion, Mercy and Justice Ministries   (Micah 6:8)

  • We are burdened for the hurting people in our community and beyond.
  • We have identifiable pathways for compassion, mercy and justice ministries to take place.
  • Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to see and address the hurts and the causes of hurt in our community and beyond.


  • Ushers:  Ken W, Len V
  • Prayer Room:  Ali L
  • Cookies:  Lorraine B, Lisa D
  • Serving Assistants:  AnaMaria, Brenna, Amber
  • Greeters:  Ruth S, Denise D
  • Children’s Leaders:  Aaron, Jenn B. Diane, Zeke, Tena (observer)

Sunday School Memory Verses

  • Wonder: Isa. 41:10
  • Marvel: Isa. 40:29-31
  • Dive: Matt. 22:37-40 & Bonus- Ex. 20:1-17

This Week at Hope in Christ Church


8:15 a.m.  Prayer upstairs, all are welcome

9:30 a.m.  Worship Service and Communion

11:00 a.m.  Sunday School

MONDAY (Office Closed)

7:00 p.m. Friendship Class

TUESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

6:00 p.m.  Richards’ Bible Study (in home)

6:30 p.m.  Boer’s Bible Study (in home)

WEDNESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

9:45 a.m.  Women’s Bible Study

11:00 a.m.  Recker Cleaning Crew

7:00 p.m.  Council

THURSDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

6:30 a.m.  Men’s Support Group

1:00 p.m.  Bulletin Deadline

7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study

7:00 p.m.  Praise Team Practice

FRIDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)

SATURDAY (Office Closed)




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