12 Even Good Kings Struggle (2Sam 11-12, 18-19, 1Chr 22, 29, Ps 23, 32, 51)

12 Even Good Kings Struggle (2Sam 11-12, 18-19, 1Chr 22, 29, Ps 23, 32, 51)

Sermon Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. David, a chosen but sinful King
    1. We have high hopes as we leave Saul’s reign. (2Sam 9:9-10)
      1. BUT…David is a sinful man, like you and I. (1Chr 27, 2Sam 18-19)
    2. David Didn’t lead his Nation to War (2Sam 11:1)
    3. David struggled with Lust and pursued Adultery (2Sam 11:2-4)
      1. APPLICATION: When you tire of the fight, you are in danger of great spiritual battles and defeat.
    4. David Sought to Cover up his sin
      1. Lying
      2. Trickery (2Sam 11:13)
      3. Murder (2Sam 11:15)
    5. APPLICATION: Sin is deceitful and it will lead you farther than you intend.
    6. David Repents (2Sam 12:7, Ps 51)
  3. Jesus, the chosen but perfect King


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