
Who’s the loudest is not who’s true!

If one is conscious of drawing one’s convictions from a solid, deep-rooted tradition, one inevitably has a sense of quiet assurance in one’s beliefs and a feeling that is the reverse of touchy defensiveness. If, on the other hand, one is bursting with notions which gush from sheer personal predilection operative outside the discipline of any tested tradition, one will naturally have a strong urge to advertise and justify them.  In other words, it is off-centre thinkers who tend to…

Some solid reading recommendations from Ligon Duncan

Have you ever wanted some solid reading recommendations to grow your faith?  Dr. Ligon Duncan, of Reformed Theological Seminary, provides a few in this 3 min video: Thomas Brooks’ Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices Banner of Truth Catalog Reformation Trust Catalog Northhampton Press Catalog  

For all men – Leading Family Worship

Men, Here is a great 1 hour interview (or 30 minutes at 2x speed) with Joel Beeke on Leading family worship.  If you already do it, this will encourage you.  If you are starting, this will give you ideas.  if you haven’t led your family (even your own spouse) this will challenge you to start.  You will be blessed. For those who prefer reading, the transcript is available as well