Sermon Outline
Ecclesiastes 12:13 The Fear of the Lord
Eccl. 12:13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
- Introduction (Luke 18:4b)
- What is the Fear of the Lord?
- Abject Terror (Gen 3:10, 28:17, Ex 3:6, Mt 10:28)
- Recognition of God’s Greatness – Power and Majesty (1Chr 16:25-27)
- Recognition of God’s Authority (Lev 19:32, Rev 14:7)
- Believing what God says will happen (Exo 9:20-21, Acts 10:42, Rom 14:10, 2Cor 5:10, Mt 10:20)
- About pleasing God (1Th 2:4, 4:1)
- How does that Kind of Fear of the Lord help us to risk for God?
- Create a life of willing Submission (Jn 14:15, Ex 9:30, Lk 19:21-26)
- Help us to see every area of life as an area of Worshipping God or worshipping idols (Rom 12:2)
- Makes us obedient even if when it is costly (Heb 11:35-38, Gen 22, Ex 1:17, 2Cor 4:16-17)
- The Challenge
- Is God Worth it?
- Is any risk too great to take for him?
- Any cost too much to bear?
- Any direction too out of bounds?
- Challenge: Think about a place where God is working in your life that feels risky.
- How could the fear of God help you to be willing to step out and take the risk to follow the Lord?
- What idol needs to be removed?
- What truth of God or promise of God do you need to claim?
- What do you fear that needs to be confessed?
- What steps will you take for God?