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Sermon outline
The dangers of not paying attention
- Driving
- The danger of going into autopilot
- Thermodynamics
Attention vs. drifting (Heb 2:1)
- Christ’s preeminent position is our motivation
- we must pay much closer attention
- Autopilot happens when
- We get up and do our Christian routine without really communing with Jesus
- We read the word but don’t apply it to our lives.
- We go to church on Sunday, talk to the same people wealways talk to, sit in the same place, and fail to engage with the new person God has brought across our path.
- The word as “much closer attention” is also translated as
- “Devote yourselves” to something in 1Tim 4:13,
- and as “being addicted” to something in 1Tim 3:8.
- Attention, Devotion, and Addiction
- Be closely attentive to the message and messenger of life!
- Autopilot happens when
Here is why this matters – Lest we drift away from it.
- Drifting
- Mission drift
- Christians can be sidetracked, and lose their focus, and mission.
- Punishment (Heb 2:2-3a)
- Appeal and corollary to OT Revelation
- Even Christians can’t escape ignoring/disobeying God (Ps 139:8)
- Drifting
In Christ we have a great salvation.
- Jesus is our horn of salvation (Lk 1:69)
- He is our salvation from our enemies (Lk 1:71)
- He is the way of salvation (Act 4:12)
Conclusion and Application
- So where is the message of Jesus Christ being ignored in your life?
- Where are you failing to put into practice his words?
- Don’t fall prey to a generic form of Christianity, an apathetic form.
- Jesus supplies us gifts so we can walk closely to him.