Government exists to promote good and administer Justice (Rom 13:3-4)

Government exists to promote good and administer Justice (Rom 13:3-4)

Sermon outline


  1. Review
  2. Government exists to promote Good (Rom 13:3-4)
    1. Paul is talking about Rulers civil and religious (Mt 9:18, Lk 24:20, 12:58, Act 16:19, Mt 20:25)
    2. Hold no terror
    3. For those who do right
      1. ‘Right’ and ‘Good’ (HC 91)
      2. Do what is right and he will commend you (2Cor 8:18, Phil 4:8)
  3. Government exists to Punish Evil (Rom 13:3-4)
    1. Because we are sinners (Gen 4:23, Jud 21:25)
    2. Fear of Punishment
    3. To bear the sword
    4. Punishment on the wrongdoer
      1. There is a crucial thing to understand here that is being forgotten in our society.
        1. shouldn’t be punishing thoughts and ideas, but actual deeds of wickedness.
        2. 2nd crucial thing to understand: Good vs. Evil (Dt 30:15, Isa 5:20)
  4. Government is a divine servant
  5. Government exists to promote Good and defend against injustice
  6. How does Jesus fit into all of this? (Isa 9:6-7, Ps 2:12)
  7. Conclusion
    1. People of God, we live under a Kingdom whose govt will always be administered for our benefit.
    2. The more we allow that kingdom to permeate our heart and transform our mind, the more our world will be transformed.
    3. But regardless of our part in the process, never forget that King Jesus reigns in righteousness and justice.


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