Sermons on Government
08 Dt 16:18-17:20 The 5th Commandment: Justice, Government, Home and Gospel
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here or check out our FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. You can watch our Livestream at 9:30 am on Sunday Mornings. Sermon outline Longing for a Just Society The longing of people to live in a just society is an ancient longing. Where did these ideas originate? Just Judges and Just Officers Two classes of officials:…
15 The Servant of God brings forth Justice (Isaiah 42:1-12)
If you want to make a gift/offering to Hope in Christ Church, click here to learn about ways to give. You can view a digital bulletin Here You can watch a Livestream at 9:30 am on our facebook account. Sermon outline Do you know how hard it is not to break a bruised reed or to quench a smoldering wick? The Servant My Servant, whom I uphold (Is 42:1) My Chosen, in whom my soul delights Justice is the…
Seek the Welfare of the city where you live (Jer 29:1-9)
Sermon Outline A Review of our series on the Bible and Politics Jeremiah’s counsel to the Exiles God wanted to transform Babylon and provide for his people by having them benefit the land in which they lived (Jer 29:5-7) Seek the welfare of the city Bringing it forward We are a people called to serve, not to be served (Mk 10:42-45) Our political participation must be one of seeking to benefit all people We must communicate with our officials (Acts…
God is not for or against our political parties (Joshua 5:13-15)
Sermon Outline Introduction Historical Setting From Egypt to the Banks of the Jordan (Num 13:1-14:10) Preparing on the Banks Planning for the Attack (Josh 5:13) The Question (Josh 5:13) Joshua – bold as he approaches the man The Answer (Josh 5:14) The Response (Josh 5:14-15) Reverence Realignment Worship Bringing it forward Political Parties Reverence – Do the parties understand their place when confronted by God? Realignment – Are the parties willing to align their priorities to God’s priorities and to…
We must submit to Government, not obey it completely (Romans 13:1-7) – Week 4
Sermon Outline Introduction Government should not be resisted (Rom 13:1, 2, 5) Be subject/in subjection is a word derived from Gk: tassw. Business have employers and employees, (Tit 2:9) Families have parents and children (Eph 6:1) Church, there are leaders – (1Cor 16:15-16, Heb 13:17) Same is true in political life – there are always rulers and those ruled. To submit/be subject to means To resist is related to same Gk word, tassw. Can we resist laws and corruption? Yes,…
Government exists to promote good and administer Justice (Rom 13:3-4)
Sermon outline Review Government exists to promote Good (Rom 13:3-4) Paul is talking about Rulers civil and religious (Mt 9:18, Lk 24:20, 12:58, Act 16:19, Mt 20:25) Hold no terror For those who do right ‘Right’ and ‘Good’ (HC 91) Do what is right and he will commend you (2Cor 8:18, Phil 4:8) Government exists to Punish Evil (Rom 13:3-4) Because we are sinners (Gen 4:23, Jud 21:25) Fear of Punishment To bear the sword Punishment on the wrongdoer…
Week 2 All Government derives its authority from God (Romans 13:1)
Sermon Outline Introduction (John 19:11) Governing Authorities (Rom 13:1) What did Paul mean? From God and Instituted by God (Dan 2:20-21, 4:17) Implications All governments are flawed b/c of human sin (Rom 3:23) Governments and governors will be judged by God but how is a mystery (Gen 19:23, Acts 12:21-23, Dt 29:15-68) Government must restrain itself (Acts 5:33-39) There will be times when rulers want to do something, but the question isn’t what do they want to do neither is…
The Kingdom of God as the Foundation of Political Life (Psalm 146)
Sermon Outline Introduction Psalm 146 Call to worship (Ps 146:1-2, Dt 6:5) Implications of an improperly oriented worship life (Ps 146:3-4) We tend to worship political figures. Implications of a properly oriented worship life Don’t put your trust in princes Reason: Princes are only human God alone is to be relied upon (Ps 146:5-10) God’s unique character: (Ps 146:6) Creator of All (Ps 146:6ab) David Innes, Christ and the Kingdoms of Men realms and rulers[1] Faithful (Ps 146:6c) God’s…