Grace to you and peace from God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome friends! May the good tidings of great joy resonate in our hearts as we share our hearts with God and our friendship with one another.
Message: “A New Year’s Resolution”
Scripture: Phil. 1:3-11
Offering: General Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Don and Darlys Recker, Darrel Renne, David and Ida Richards, Scott and Jen Roberts and their children, Mark and Rockelle Ruiter and their children. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Thank you for continuing to pray for us and for all the thoughtful acts of kindness you have done for us. We continue to wait for a decision from L&I as to my injury claim so that we can move forward with surgery. Please continue to pray for strength for both of us, for healing for my back and for my faith as I continue to lean on God. Roberta and Doug Maier
The January issue of The Heartbeat is available this morning and is also on-line.
Our service next Sunday will revolve around a Healthy Church Series, beginning with “What is a healthy Church?” Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The bulletin, which includes the order of worship, is usually posted online by Friday afternoons and the monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
The Council requests the church family set aside Jan. 15/16 for the church vitality meeting being held here at church. Childcare will be provided for the younger children. Be sure to read the article in the January issue of The Heartbeat.
Beginning in January the prayer time has been moved to the third Sunday of the month during the Sunday school hour. Everyone is invited to stay after our fellowship time and join the church family in a time of prayer.
This week the church office will be open Monday to Thursday. Evelyn Kooistra will be working in the church office Tuesday and Wednesday and her hours may vary.
A church key was left on the information stand in the foyer. Please let the church office know if you have the key so that it can be assigned to you. We are looking for key #BA 27.
Servants Next Sunday, Jan. 3: Greeters: Del and Pat Bosman; Nursery: Avis Kaemingk and Esther VandenBos; Snacks: Joanne Schultz, Jolene Skovron; Ushers: Len Vander Woude and Bud Brouwer; Prayer Room: Christine Speyer; Sunday school: Terry Vander Woude, Melissa Koning, Darlys Recker; Children and Worship: Ida Richards and Amber Obbink.
For the 29th year in a row, Calvin College will present its January Series, the award-winning, free liberal arts education delivered in 15 weekday lectures from Jan. 6 to 26 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. PST. Topics range from global health, interfaith leadership, the future of Russia, autism, justice in Honduras, cyber security in a shrinking world and more. Watch the live feed at the Youth House of Third CRC. For more information, contact Carol DeJong (354-1448 or or visit
Hear sixteen leading Christian scholars, including former Muslims, speak on key issues related to Islam. This free video podcast will be shown at Third CRC on Jan 15 (7-9pm) and Jan. 16 (9am-3:30pm, with a lunch break on your own). To register or for details, call the church at 354-1448.
Most Sundays you have a chance to order TRIP (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program) gift cards from Barb Zylstra. These gift cards are great for you or as gifts while supporting tuition assistance for children going to Lynden Christian School, including Evergreen Christian School in Bellingham. Barb has these cards available all year long. Order your cards today to be picked up next Sunday.
Our church has committed to work in the Okanogan area during the weeks of June 12th and June 19th through World Renew. The Vander Woudes and Hops are organizing our “work team” and they will need to know who will be participating and for what days your family will be there. So check out your calendar and plan to participate. Registration forms will be available next month.
Lynden native and acclaimed pianist Kevin DallaSanta is offering a rare, local concert today, Dec. 27, at 3 p.m. at the Jansen Art Center to benefit the Project Hope Food Bank. A music graduate of St. Olaf College where he did piano and orchestra tours, DallaSanta has performed at the Lynden Music Festival, the center, and numerous other places in the community. Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for students and seniors. They can be purchased at the center at 321 Front St., Lynden; at 354-3600; or at