Preparing our Hearts to Worship
In an effort to help you prepare for the February 7st, 2016, Sunday morning corporate worship gathering and to aid you in your own reflections about church health and vitality, I wanted to pose a few questions and provide a few resources to prayerfully consider over the coming days. Our sermon is about how we are called to sacrificial and generous living and giving. The scriptures, creeds, songs and reflection questions will all help you to prepare.
From the Scriptures
- Read and prayerfully reflect upon these Scriptures: Romans 12:1-8, 2Corinthians 8:1-5, Galatians 6:10, 1John 3:16-18.
- Ask God to shape your life, your family and your church to conform to His desires.
From the Creeds and Confessions
- Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 26.
From the songs, hymns and spiritual songs of the Church
- Sing and reflect upon these songs:
For Thoughtful Reflection, Prayer, or further Study
- John Bunyan wrote, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” Why is it so difficult to be sacrificial and generous to those who will likely never return our gift?
- Where is God calling you to sacrifice? What is holding you back from responding affirmatively?
- Watch God’s Pie and think about how you are like the man named “me” in the video.