Message: Fruitful Organizational Structures
Scripture: Numbers 2:1-34
Offering: General Fund
March 13, 2016
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Jay and Avis Kaemingk, Marilyn Kaiser, Wilma Kelln, Don and Connie Knutson, Brian and Melissa Koning and their children. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and the service is based on Luke 19:28-44. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Our church secretary will be on vacation this week, March 14th. Jenn Boer will be working afternoons in the office from approximately 1:00-2:30 while Terry is gone.
There will be a meeting this morning in front of the sanctuary immediately after the service for those interested in participating in the mission trip to the Okanagan area the week of June 12th. We have a few answers to our questions that Faye Hop will be sharing with the group.
Chicken will be distributed this morning to some of the church families. This is another donation from Zaycon, the company that uses our parking lot. Please check in the freezer to see if there is a bag with your name on it. If you have not been receiving any of the donations or would like to be removed from the list, please let Deloris Perry know.
A “lost and found” box has been created and is in the foyer. Please place any found items in the box and remember to check it occasionally to see if your missing item is there.
The Keepers of the Faith will be performing at Faith Community Church on April 20 at 6:00pm.
Kings Men of Song will be performing in our church on March 20th. Doors will open at 6:30 and refreshments served, with their performance to begin around 7pm. A free-will offering will be taken for the Lighthouse Mission.
Servants Next Sunday, March 20: Greeters: Lisa Oppenhuizen and Helen Bowman; Nursery: Barb Zylstra and Ida Richards; Snacks: Connie Knutson and Melissa Koning; Ushers: Dale and Deloris Perry; Prayer Room: Lee Veenstra; Sunday school: Jolene Skovron, Pastor Scott, Tena Vanderpol; Children and Worship: Bekah Roberts and Evelyn Kooistra.
Check out the article about Aaron Speyer which was recently published in the Lynden Christian School newsletter. The newsletter is on the stand in the foyer.
Friendship mentors are presenting the life of Jesus to the students in an Easter Story program and they need some men for the program. However with all the disciples and soldiers involved, we just don’t have enough men to cover the parts! No acting skills required. Parts do not require speaking/reading. You just follow what the narrator says. We’ll give you a copy of the program in advance so you are familiar with it. We also plan to practice one evening in advance (not mandatory, but the more people who practice, the smoother the program will run). So the dates/times we will need you will be WED, MARCH 23 @ 6:30 to practice, and MON, MARCH 28 @ 6:50 for the Easter program. Friendship class starts at 7pm that Monday evening.
Needed: a DONKEY CUT-OUT for Jesus to “ride”. Could be made of wood OR sturdy cardboard. Is anyone creative and want to make one for our program? Contact Tanya Obbink at 738-4718 or
Join the Building and Maintenance Team on April 9 as we do our annual spring cleaning of the church grounds. We will be spreading bark this year, so bring a shovel, rake, wheel barrow, gloves, and buckets. Breakfast will once again be served and everyone is invited to come and join us, even if you can’t stay and work. More information will be provided later as to times.
Our Good Friday Service will be held at 7pm on March 25. Bring a friend and come for this solemn service as we acknowledge Christ’s death on the cross for our sin.