Sermon: Luke 19 28-44 The Triumphal Entry- A Kairos Moment
Prayer Requests: This week we are asked to pray for Lou and Evelyn Kooistra, Mary Kudsk, Herm and Ali Laninga, Carmen Larsen, Arbadella McAlister. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Announcements: Next Sunday is Easter. The message will be on Matthew 28:1-10. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Thank you! Roberta Meier is very thankful and appreciative of our prayers, visits, phone calls and meals. Her surgery went well, she is healing and becoming stronger each day.
Chicken was available last week for some of the church families. If you forgot to look last Sunday, please check the freezer to see if there is a bag with your name on it. Zaycon has donated chicken to our church for the use of our parking lot. If you have any questions please talk to Deloris Perry.
A ‘lost and found” box has been created and is in the foyer. Please place found items in the box and remember to check it occasionally to see if your missing item is there.
Kings Men of Song will be performing in our church tonight, March 20th. Doors will open at 6:30 and the performance will begin at 7pm. A free-will offering will be taken for the Lighthouse Mission. Refreshments will be served
Servants Next Sunday, March 27: Greeters: Lanny and Christine Speyer; Nursery: Denise Doezema and Terry Vander Woude ; Snacks: Evelyn Kooistra and Ali Laninga; Ushers: Bud Brower and Joe Pruitt; Prayer Room: Arlene Veenstra; Sunday school: Easter -No Sunday School; Children and Worship: Easter – No C&W.
Our Good Friday Service will be held at 7pm on March 25. Bring a friend and come for this solemn service as we acknowledge Christ’s death on the cross for our sin.
Vitality Pathway—Behavioral Covenant Workshop. This is “the conversation before the conversation” – a coming to a mutual understanding and agreement on how we will have conversations that are gracious, uplifting, and Christ honoring. Let’s face it—we’re human so we will disagree at times. But we can agree ahead of time to resolve our differences in a compassionate and constructive way. Please save the date: Saturday morning, April 2nd, 9:00 to noon. The doors will open at 8:30 and the coffee will be on.
Join the Building and Maintenance Team on April 9 as we do our annual spring cleaning of the church grounds. We will be spreading bark this year, so bring a shovel, rake, wheel barrow, gloves, buckets. Breakfast will once again be served and everyone is invited to come and join us, even if you can’t stay and work. More information will be provided later as to times.
The Keepers of the Faith will be performing at Faith Community Church on April 20 at 6pm.
A copy of The Whatcom Community Bulletin for the week of March 13 and March 20 can be found on the bookshelf in the foyer.