Bulletin – Week of March 27, 2016

Bulletin – Week of March 27, 2016

We warmly welcome each worshiper here today this Easter morning. May God’s love be in us and around us so no one feels like a stranger and all know that they are children of our Creator.

 Message: Come, Embrace and Worship—He is Risen

 Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10

Offering: General Fund

Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Solomon and Rosa McAlister and their children, Linda McConnaughey, Dan and Tanya Obbink and their children, Lisa Oppenhuizen, Dale and Deloris Perry. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.


This Easter morning we are celebrating The Lord’s Supper, which is a way for the Christian to remember the sacrifice of Christ. If you have not yet believed in Christ as Savior, we invite you to watch and learn. We are glad you are here! If you have questions about Jesus, please see Pastor Scott after the worship service. The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. However, it may contain egg.

Articles and notices for the April issue of The Heartbeat, our monthly newsletter, are due in the church office this week. If you wish something on the church calendar, please let the office know.

Vitality Pathway—Behavioral Covenant Workshop. This is “the conversation before the conversation” – a coming to a mutual understanding and agreement on how we will have conversations that are gracious, uplifting, and Christ honoring. Let’s face it—we’re human so we will disagree at times. But we can agree ahead of time to resolve our differences in a compassionate and constructive way. Please save the date: Saturday morning, April 2nd, 9:00 to noon. The doors will open at 8:30 and the coffee/tea will be on, plus a continental breakfast will be available.

Join the Building and Maintenance Team on April 9 as we do our annual spring cleaning of the church grounds. We will be spreading bark this year, so bring a shovel, rake, wheel barrow, gloves, and buckets. Breakfast will once again be served from 8:30 to 9:15 and everyone is invited to come and join us, even if you can’t stay and work. Donations towards the cost of the breakfast would be appreciated.

Servants Next Sunday, April 3: Greeters: Karen Smith and Chris Pike; Nursery: Jenn Boer and Tanya Obbink; Snacks: Rosa McAlister and Tanya Obbink; Ushers: Len Vander Woude and Bud Brouwer; Prayer Room: Herm Laninga; Sunday school: Jolene Skovron, Jenn Boer, Tena Vanderpol; Children and Worship: Dan Obbink and Ali Laninga.

If you would like to be added as one of the “Sunday servants,” please let the office know. Volunteers are always needed to help out and no special training is required.

The Friendship teachers and some members of our congregation will be performing an Easter Pageant for the students tomorrow evening, Monday, at 7pm in the sanctuary. You are invited to come and watch the program.

Mike Button is offering a class in building a miniature kite on Wednesday evening March 30th from 6:30-9pm in the church. The kite is guaranteed to fly, no running allowed. He requests kids over the age of 16 as it will involve using razor blades. Mike will be offering a kite workshop for the younger kids this summer. Please RSVP to Mike so he knows how many people to prepare for. His email is kite102@aol.com or call him at 733-7380.

Pastor Scott’s class on introduction to being an Elder and Deacon has been moved to Tuesday, March 29th, from 7-9pm.

The Tuesday evening women’s study group will not be meeting again until the fall. If you would like to join the group and/or have a suggestion for a fall study, please contact Terry Vander Woude.

You can still sign up to join the group going to Okanagan area for a mission trip June 11-18. Some of us will be camping at the Omak Fairgrounds and some may be in a nearby hotel. We will be doing group cooking. If you have any questions or want to be added to the list, please contact Jerry and Faye Hop or Len and Terry Vander Woude.

Next Sunday the message will be on Eph. 4:28, 5:1-2, “Working for God.” Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.

We will not be having Children and Worship during the service this morning or Sunday school today after the service.


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