We want all people who come to this worship service to know that they’re sincerely welcomed. May all of our wounds fade away as we glorify the God of love and mercy.
Message: Choose Christ
Scripture: Psalm 119:105-112
Offering: Outreach Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Keith Sentkowski, Kyle Sentkowski, Phil and Jolene Skovron and their children, Amber and William Smit, Karen Smith and Chris Pike, Don and Elaine Snapper. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Today is GEMS Sunday and Darlys Recker will be sharing about GEMS. The Counselors and the students will be singing a couple of songs for us.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “God Chose You to Be Saved” based on 2Th. 2:13-15. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat. It will also be Friendship Sunday.
Join us tonight for the Spring Hymn Sing at 6:30, followed with a time of fellowship over pie and ice cream. This is a great event to invite a friend or neighbor to. Be ready to share the reason a hymn is one of your favorites or has special meaning for you. Need a ride? Contact a Deacon (see weekly bulletin insert for phone #’s) and we will make arrangements.
CHURCH HISTORY WORKSHOP: Please come to this 3rd event in the Vitality Pathway for Congregational Renewal on Sunday evening, May 15th. Our start time has changed to 5:00 pm to include another yummy soup potluck, and childcare will be provided. In the workshop, from 6:00 till 8:00, we’ll be discussing our church history, asking attendees to reminisce about the good events and the difficult events of each decade in our congregation’s history. After creating a by-the-decades chart of these events, we will then invite all present to reflect on any patterns, both good and bad, that emerge. We will also talk about how to sustain the healthy trends and steps we could take to mitigate and stop the difficulties. Please plan on coming and mark your calendars now.
Volunteers are needed to bring a pot of soup or dessert to the potluck on May 15th. Please let the church office know if you are willing to bring either item. Rolls and beverages will be provided.
Registration for Cascade Family Bible Camp is now open. Dozens of churches gather together for a memorable weekend July 7-11 at Warm Beach Camp to enjoy the great outdoors, listen to inspiring speakers, and have a great time with family and friends. First time attenders save 50% on registration. Registration forms will soon be available at church or at www.cascadefamilybiblecamp.org where you can also register online.
Envision Mission is having a time of song and celebration at Over-Easy Restaurant next to Trader Joe’s in Bellingham on Saturday, April 23, at 7 p.m. It will be an hour of music from the Senti family, and a celebration of what God is doing through Envision. A love offering will be taken. Decaf coffee and soda also will be available. For more information, contact Mitch at 392-0289 or mitchsenti@hotmail.com.
The Keepers of the Faith will appear in concert on April 30 at 6 p.m. at Faith Community Church. Enjoy an inspiring evening of gospel music and be blessed by their testimony in song. A CD will be awarded to the person bringing the most first-time attendees. Admission is free with a freewill offering taken. Doors open at 5 p.m. and a reception will follow the concert. For more information, call 354-4815.
DISCOUNT ON NEW DIGITAL LIBRARY: The CRC has launched a new digital library to provide its churches and members with free, online access to hundreds of Faith Alive titles, including curriculum, Bible studies, and more. As part of this pilot program, CRC members can access these resources anytime from anywhere on any web-connected device. CR churches will receive a 20 percent discount off print purchases. Visit crcna.org/Library for details and to reserve your spot.
You can still sign up to join the group going to Okanagan area for a mission trip June 11-18. Some of us will be camping at the Omak Fairgrounds and some may be in a nearby hotel. We will be doing group cooking. The Deacons have set aside money to help with some of the expenses. If you would like to contribute to the expenses, please donate through the Deacons. If you have any questions or want to be added to the list of those going to Omak, please contact Jerry and Faye Hop or Len and Terry Vander Woude. We are still waiting to hear what type of work they will be having us do.
The ladies are invited at a Ladies Afternoon Tea Presented by Love INC. The event is Saturday, April 30, from 2-4 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church in Bellingham. Drawing from John 17:23, the theme of this year’s program is “Perfectly One of Heart and Mind.” Please join us for tea and coffee; there will be music, raffle door prizes, and delightful sweets and a speaker. Cost at the door is $20. Register online at www.whatcomloveinc.org, email Shannon@whatcomloveinc.org, or call the office at 671-6201.
Servants Next Sunday, April 24: Greeters: Jay and Avis Kaemingk; Nursery: Esther VandenBos and Ida Richards; Snacks: Ida Richards and Jen Roberts; Ushers: Len Vander Woude and Lou Kooistra; Prayer Room: Connie Knutson; Sunday school: Diane Button, Ida Richards, Herm and Ali Laninga; Children and Worship: Dan Obbink and Ev Kooistra.