Friends, we have gathered to worship our loving Creator. We present ourselves as members of God’s family. Everyone present should know that we welcome you to this time of spiritual renewal.
Message: The Meaning Of The Ascension
Scripture: Luke 24:50-43, Acts 1:9-11
Offering: General Fund
May 8, 2016
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Lee and Arlene Veenstra, Ken and Elaine Wick, Joe and Barb Zylstra, Ken Anderson, Elaine Barringer and Mabel Benedict. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Our sermon next Sunday will be a Pentecost Prayer Service. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
CHURCH HISTORY WORKSHOP: Please come to this 3rd event in the Vitality Pathway for Congregational Renewal on Sunday evening, May 15th. Our start time has changed to 5:00 pm to include another yummy soup potluck, and childcare will be provided. In the workshop, from 6:00 till 8:00, we’ll be discussing our church history, asking attendees to reminisce about the good events and the difficult events of each decade in our congregation’s history. After creating a by-the-decades chart of these events, we will then invite all present to reflect on any patterns, both good and bad, that emerge. We will also talk about how to sustain the healthy trends and steps we could take to mitigate and stop the difficulties. Please plan on coming and mark your calendars now.
Volunteers are needed to bring a pot of soup or dessert to the potluck on May 15th. We are in need of four more volunteers to bring soup. Please let the church office or Terry Vander Woude know if you are willing to bring either item. Rolls and beverages will be provided.
Each family was given a packet of information this morning by the ushers. You are asked to review it this week and then to bring the packet with you to the May 15th Vitality workshop.
Time to clean out the closets and garage for a fundraiser to help the Konings with their adoption of a boy from China. The event has been set for July 22/23 and donations may be placed in the first and middle portables. Brian and Melissa are also taking reservations for your family to schedule a photo shoot. See the Heartbeat for more information.
This Monday is the last meeting of the Friendship class until Fall. The group will be meeting at 6pm for a pizza/potluck dinner. The mentors are asked to bring a salad, chips or pop to contribute to the meal.
The Deacons will be having a Linen Drive for Love, INC. They have requested clean, gently used/new sheets, especially queen size, as they have had a large donation of Queen size beds. The Deacons will provide a box in the back of church for your donation through Sunday, June 5.
Servants Next Sunday, May 15: Greeters: Joe and Barb Zylstra; Nursery: Lorraine Brouwer and Ida Richards; Snacks: Karen Smith and Elaine Snapper; Ushers: Lou Kooistra and Helen Bowman; Prayer Room: Lanny Speyer; Sunday school: Diane Button, Ida Richards, Herm and Ali Laninga; Children and Worship: Diane Button and Ali Laninga.
The decision was made to have May 29th be the last Sunday that we will have members serving in the nursery during the service. This may change later, based on a need to again offer the nursery.
Say your goodbyes to Executive Director Ron Buchinski and meet new Executive Director Hans Erchinger-Davis at the Lighthouse Mission Open House on May 31 from 3-6:30. There will be tours of the campus and chili and corn bread will be served.
Now is the time to register for Cascade Family Bible Camp being held July 7-11 at Warm Beach Camp near Stanwood. Information packets are available on the stand in the foyer.
The following members were presented by the council as slate of candidates for Elders and Deacons: Elders—Faye Hop, Joe Pruitt and Don Recker; for Deacons—Lisa DeSalvo, Elaine Snapper and Terry Vander Woude. The church family accepted the slate as presented by council at the Congregational meeting last Sunday. On May 15th we will draw lots and the Holy Spirit will select our next Elders and Deacons. We give thanks to Mark Ruiter and Brian Koning for their service as Elders and to Christine Speyer and Connie Knutson for their service as Deacons.
The Covenant Contract was approved at last week’s congregational meeting. Copies of the Covenant are available on the information stand in the foyer.
The Sunday school topic on May 22 will be on matters of the heart, with a lecture presented by cardiologist Dr. Spencer Hinds. Check out the full article in The Heartbeat about this class.
The CRC has launched a new digital library to provide its churches and members with free, online access to hundreds of Faith Alive titles, including curriculum, Bible studies and more. As part of this pilot program CRC members can access these resources anytime from anywhere on any web-connected device. CR churches will receive a 20% discount off print purchases. Visit for details.
Team leaders are reminded to identify their primary missional markers and turn in their forms to our ongoing Vitality process team. If you have any questions regarding the form, please talk to Caroline Boenig.