A Prayer when Life is full of chaos

A Prayer when Life is full of chaos

Lord, there is chaos all around.  I feel like the disciples in the boat in the raging storm.  It seems as though the whole world is in an uproar.  The financial markets, the political scene, the moral fiber of our culture and society, the world scene with its wars and rumors of wars, the persecution of your people in ways we have not seen in modern history… until it appears that your people may be completely crushed in some places.

I cry out to you, like the disciples… “Lord, WAKE UP!!!  Don’t you care that we are going to drown?!!”   Are you really in control of these things?  Do you hear the prayers of your people?

Then I remember that Your Word tells us that even though
The nations rage and conspire and plot and rise up against the Lords anointed…
The King of heaven laughs and terrifies them and says “I have installed my King”

And I remember that Your Word tell us that
“The kingdom of this world [will] become the Kingdom of our LORD and of His Christ and He shall reign forever and EVER”

And I remember that even as the storm raged and terrified the disciples in the boat the YOU were with them in the boat.  That you said to the storm
Be still and know that I am God

Lord,      You will be exalted among the nations,
You will be exalted on the earth
The Lord Almighty is with us
The God of Jacob is our fortress

Come Lord Jesus


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