This morning we welcome guest pastor; Jon Niville — to our pulpit as he share’s God’s Word with us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “God evidently does not intend us all to be rich, or powerful or great, but God does intend us all to be friends.” Welcome, friends, one and all!
This week we are asked to pray for Marilyn Kaiser, Wilma Kelln, Don and Connie Knutson, Brian and Melissa Koning and their children, Lou and Evelyn Kooistra. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Servants Next Sunday, June 26: Greeters: Ruth Stadt and Lisa Oppenhuizen; Snacks: Helen Bowman and Alice Brakke; Ushers: Joe Pruitt and Lou Kooistra; Prayer Room: Connie Knutson.
We continue to lift up Paulino Estrada and Georgi Lakey as Paulino recovers from cancer surgery. We give a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God our Healer. Ev and Lou Kooistra’s granddaughter is home after a successful surgery.
The Deacons are collecting toilet paper and baby wipes to donate to the Interfaith Coalitions annual Project Homeless Connect. A container is in the foyer and donations will be accepted through July 17.
Zaycon, the company that uses our parking lot, has donated a case of chicken breasts to the church family. Be sure to check with Deloris Perry to see if you have a package with your name on it.
The Thursday evening men’s study group will be meeting this Saturday, June 25th, at 3:30 at Joe and Barb Zylstra’s for a potluck. Check with Lanny or Christine as to what item you are asked to bring.
This week the church secretary will be in the office Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. The following week there will only be sporadic coverage in the office by Ellie Roberts. Terry will be back in the church office on July 5th.
Wilma Kelln is now residing at the Grace Manor Adult Family Home, located at 3786 Britton Road, Bellingham. The phone number there is 360-305-5779. Wilma loves having company.
Paulino Estrada wishes to say, “Thank You” to the members of Hope In Christ Church. Thank you for your prayers, cards and visits. He is grateful to Scott for his many visits during his hospital stay.
The Wiser Lake Chapel is celebrating its 100-year anniversary by inviting everyone to a community picnic after their worship service on Aug. 7. The Chapel is collecting stories from those who were ever part of the congregation. To share your story or for more information about the anniversary activities, contact Emily Gibson at
The Christian Health Care Center in Lynden is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a community barbecue on June 20 from 4 to 6pm. RSVPs are appreciated and may be made by calling 354-4434 or emailing
Volunteer opportunities at Love in the Name of Christ (Love INC) – DO you enjoy helping others in your community? Do you have a few hours to spare one morning a week? Love INC is looking for a few people to help with their ministry outreach in Whatcom County. They have a wonderful group of volunteers but could always use a few more! Please call Love INC at 671-6201 if you can help.