Bulletin – Week of July 17, 2016

Bulletin – Week of July 17, 2016

The Letter to the Hebrews tells Christians not to neglect meeting together in worship but to encourage one another (Hebrews 10:25). We’re pleased that you’ve all come to do that today.

Message: Wheel Alignment

Scripture: Psalm 19

Offering: Outreach Fund

Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Mark and Rockelle Ruiter and their children, Doug and Jan Scholten, Joanne Schultz, Mitchell and Rochelle Senti and their children, Keith Sentkowski and Kyle Sentkowski. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.

We give thanks that Darryl Groothuis was able to return home from the hospital this past Monday following by-pass surgery. We pray for a full and speedy healing for him.

We pray for Don and Darlys Recker as Don’s brother-in-law passed away. We also pray for traveling mercies for them as they travelled to Chicago to be with the family.

On Thursday Darlys will be joining other GEMS counselors for the Annual Leadership Conference in Bozeman, MT July 21-24. Please pray for a successful conference and safe travels.


This morning we welcome Pastor Joe Strong to our pulpit as he shares God’s Word with us. Pastor Joe is with the Northwest Hispanic Ministry.

Our sermon next Sunday will be “Sin Offering and Christ” based on Leviticus 4. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.

Wayne and Lynn Ten Harmsel, missionaries to China the past 10 years and supported by several churches in Lynden, will be in the area and looking for an inexpensive or free place to live from July 27 through mid- to late August. If you can help, e-mail wtenharmsel@gmail.com or office@mtviewcrc.org.

Plan to join the Hospitality Team after the service on July 31 for a hotdog barbecue potluck. Please bring a salad or dessert to share AND YOUR OWN TABLE SERVICE. Donations of chips and pop are also welcome.

The latest newsletter from the Northwest Hispanic Ministry has been posted on the bulletin board in the lobby.

Servants Next Sunday, July 24: Greeters: Don and Tena Vanderpol; Nursery: NONE; Snacks: Connie Knutson and Melissa Koning; Ushers: Lou Kooistra and Joe Pruitt; Prayer Room: Del Bosman.

Missing Book: The book “The Kingdom Equation” by John Timmer was left at church and now it cannot be found. Please check your books at home to see if you mistakenly grabbed it. If you find it, please give it to Ruth Stadt.

Items for the Koning garage sale may be brought to the worship center this week. Help is needed setting up for the garage sale that will be held on Friday and Saturday. Plan to come and support the fund raising to adopt their little boy from China. Extra help will be needed on Saturday around 4pm to clean up and re-set up the sanctuary.

Help is needed today after the service to move the chairs and set up tables for the garage sale. On Tuesday morning around 10am the Konings plan to start moving items from the portables to the worship center and they could use help.

The church office will be closed on Friday as the Secretary will be on vacation. Therefore, items for the July 24th bulletin need to be in the church office prior to noon on Thursday.

The GEMS Girls Club supports the Esther School for their service project. They have coin jars available to collect loose change and so far over $400 has been collected. If you still have a jar, please turn it in this month so we can get the check to the Esther school in time for the new school year. This school provides cloths, food and a Christian education for orphans and underprivileged children. It is built and funded by the GEMS clubs of North America. For more information, check the web site: http://www.estherschool.org or https://www.facebook.comtheesther school.

Council, at the suggestion of the Building and Maintenance Team, has decided to remove the three-portable set. If you or someone you know would like the portables, please contact Len, Lou, Bud or Doug.

Interfaith Coalition is looking for volunteers this summer to help with low-income families to repair, paint their homes, do yard work, haul stuff. If you would be interested in coordinating our church to volunteer to take on one or two of these projects, please contact the church office.


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