Let no one feel like a stranger here. We all have the same Creator, who loves each of us unconditionally. Welcome, children of God! Greet one another joyfully.
Message: The Godly Marriage
Scripture: Eph. 5:22-33
Offering: General Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Paulino Estrada and Georgi Lakey, Jessie and Virginia Figenbaum, Karen Funk, Anne Geleynse, Carolyn Goble, Darryl and Gloria Groothuis. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “Love in the Family” based on Eph. 6:1-3. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
The Lord’s Supper, which we celebrate today, is a way for the Christian to remember the sacrifice of Christ. If you have not yet believed in Christ as Savior, we invite you to watch and learn. We are glad you are here! If you have questions about Jesus, please see Pastor Scott after the worship service. The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. However, it may contain egg.
Join your church family this evening at 6:30 for our monthly TAG get together. Tonight’s discussions will cover several questions submitted by our members including at least one of this year’s election topics.
Budget requests for the upcoming year need to be submitted to Dan Obbink prior to October 1.
On September 24, 9am to noon, is a training event for all sound board people. All worship team members (singers and musicians) are also asked to be present during this time as well to give the team practice in balancing the board for our different worship teams.
Ladies! Are you interested in a Tuesday evening study group that would meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7pm? Terry Vander Woude is putting together a group and has a book for you to review.
Do you enjoy learning and discussing the Bible with fellow believers? Are you interested in joining a small group? Friendship is starting a new class for students who would benefit from a small group study format. Herm has graciously offered to lead this class and would love to have at least one person join him as a mentor. For more information on the study and format visit http://togethersmallgroups.org/what-is-together/. To see a sample lesson, visit http://together.friendship.org/. Please contact Herm or Tanya if you are interested.
Servants Next Sunday, September 11: Greeters: Mike and Jenn Boer; Snacks: Jolene Skovron and Karen Smith; Ushers: Joe Pruitt and Deloris Perry; Prayer Room: Jay Kaemingk; Sunday school: Jenn Boer and Darlys Recker; Children and Worship: Jen Roberts.
Join women in thousands of locations across the U.S. on September 23 to beseech God to do in us and in our nation what no man-made effort can accomplish. Grace Baptist Fellowship, 338 No. Park St., Lynden will be hosting this free simulcast from 6-9pm. See the poster in the lobby for more information.
A teacher is needed for the 1st and 2nd grade class from Dec. 11 to Jan 22. You can sign up for three or six weeks. Helpers are also needed for the Children and Worship class, which will be held during Sunday school.
A reminder regarding the Vitality Pathway: In September, we’re conducting a communications workshop used successfully by various types of organizations to teach us how our communication styles are perceived by others and what we can do to communicate effectively when dealing with people of other styles. The workshop will be 7:00-9:00 on Friday evening, Sept 16th, and 9:00-5:00 on Saturday, Sept 17th. And it will not work for us to attend only a part of the workshop—in fact doing that could actually have a negative impact—so it’s crucial that we plan on attending both Friday evening and Saturday. Child care will be provided for the whole workshop as will lunch on Saturday. And we’ll have a salad potluck before the workshop on Friday evening. This will be worth it, folks. The consideration we learn to give one another here in this workshop is part of the loving one another we’re repeatedly instructed to do in the Bible. Please place in the box in the back of the sanctuary the sign-up slips found in the bulletin so we’ll know how much food to provide.
Books are now available for the women’s Wednesday morning study group from Ruth Stadt.
Our annual holiday bazaar will be held Nov. 18 from 4-8pm and Nov. 19 from 9-4. We already are taking reservations to have a table at this event. Forms are located on the information stand and from the church office to reserve your table. Feel free to share the form with others so we can have a variety of vendors at this year’s event. Terry Vander Woude would love your feed-back and help on how to make this year’s bazaar even better.
The LOWPC will be hosting a garage sale on Sept. 9-10 in order to raise money for a mission outreach. Donations of good items would be appreciated. Items may be dropped off at the Ministry House.