We hope that no one in our midst feels like a stranger. Please know that you’re welcomed here in God’s house. Today we join with Christians around the world in celebrating Holy Communion.
Message: A Spirit Filled Workplace
Scripture: Eph. 6:10-13
Offering: General Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Marion Martin, Dan and Tanya Obbink and their children, Lisa Oppenhuizen, Dale and Deloris Perry, Joe Pruitt, Debra Reamer and Mona Reardon. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Mike Button will be undergoing surgery again on October 19th. We’d like to thank our church family for the support you have given us through the last few weeks in the form of lots and lots of prayers, conversations, visits, phone calls, and cards. What a blessing you are! Mike and Diane
We lift Connie and Don Knutson up in prayer. Connie is awaiting test results prior to seeking treatment for cancer.
Please pray this week for the Classis Pacific Northwest meeting taking place this Thursday. Classis Pacific Northwest is composed of the 35 Christian Reformed Churches that are located from Alaska in the north to Olympia in the south. This meeting is held twice a year. Pastor Scott will be our delegate to the meeting.
When we receive the bread offered during Holy Communion, it’s the spiritual equivalent of receiving free bread. No matter how you slice it in terms of your own denominational tradition, the “real” bread and “real” drink connect us deeply and spiritually with God through Christ. We are nourished by the grace we receive, encouraged by the diverse crowd around us and strengthened to live life to the full. There’s no substitute for the love and life we experience when we break the Bread of Life. Like Peter we cry out, “Lord, to whom [else] shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68, NIV). The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. However, it may contain egg.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “There Is Only One Enemy” based on Eph. 6:5-9. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Our annual holiday bazaar will be held Nov. 18 from 4-8pm and Nov. 19 from 9-4. To reserve your table, pick up a form on the information stand or from the church office. Feel free to share the form with others so we can have a variety of vendors at this year’s event.
Pick up a copy of the October issue of The Heartbeat, our monthly newsletter. It is also published to our church’s web site.
Servants Next Sunday, October 9: Greeters: Joe and Barb Zylstra; Snacks: Tena Vanderpol and Elaine Wick; Serving Assistants: Caleb, Maggie, Mattea, Kylie; Ushers: Deloris Perry and Len Vander Woude; Prayer Room: Denise Doezema; Sunday school: Jenn Boer and Darlys Recker; Children and Worship: Diane Button and Mairi Bravener.
Stand Against Slavery: A Night of Worship and Compassion. Let’s come together as the Church of Whatcom County to join our hearts with Jesus in standing against the slavery of sexual exploitation in our country. Join us for a night of worship as we pray over this area of brokenness in our community; praying that God would set captives free and declaring together the year of the Lord’s favor. Featuring worship leaders from area churches, a word from local pastors, and hundreds of united believers. Friday, Oct. 21, 7 pm at CTK Bellingham, 4173 Meridian St. Sponsored by our local Engedi Refuge Ministries, www.engedirefuge.com.
Join us for a hymn sing on Oct. 16 at 6pm lead by Mitchell and Rochelle Senti. The deacons will be serving hot apple cider and donuts following the singing. So put this exciting event on your calendar and plan to join us for a fun evening of music. A love offering will be taken to support Envision Mission.
Interfaith Coalition’s annual winter coat drive provides warm outerwear for everyone from babies to seniors. Please bring clean, gently used or new winter coats, gloves, scarves and hats to worship services through October 16. Interfaith will distribute these to people in four locations across Whatcom County. If you are a knitter, handmade hats and scarves are also cherished. For many of our neighbors, this program means they won’t need to spend limited income on a winter coat, or do without. Thank you for sharing the warmth!
The Down East Boys and the Evergreen 3 will perform their gospel music at a concert on Oct. 14 at Nooksack Valley Reformed Church, 602 E. Second St., Nooksack. Doors open at 6 p.m. with the concert at 7 p.m. and refreshments following. A free-will offering will be collected. For more information, call Donna Lautenbach at 966-5165.
Our church is scheduled to cover our area in prayer this Wednesday. Please take an hour to spend it in prayer. Enclosed is a suggested list of topics. You can pray at home, at work or come and spend your quiet time in the prayer room.
Did you know that someone is praying in the prayer room during our morning service? A folder is placed in the prayer room prior to the service with a list of suggested prayers, as well as a copy of the songs being sung that morning. Volunteers are needed to take a turn in the prayer room, so let the office know if you would like to be added to the list.