With joy we welcome everyone who has come to worship our loving Creator. May God’s Spirit touch us all so we may know we’ve been in the presence of the Almighty.
Message: Belt Of Truth
Scripture: Eph. 6:14a
Offering: Outreach Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Mark and Rockelle Ruiter and their children, Doug and Jan Scholten, Joanne Schultz, Vicki Seim, Mitchell and Rochelle Senti and their children. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Jay Kaemingk’s father passed away this past week. We lift Jay and Avis and their family up in prayer.
Our worship service this morning will be led by our youth group, under the direction of Melissa Koning. We are very pleased that the kids are participating in our morning service.
Join us today during the Sunday school hour for a time of corporate prayer.
Join us this evening at 6pm for an upbeat and fun evening of singing hymns, led by Mitchell and Rochelle Senti. The deacons will be providing donuts and hot cider following the singing. A love offering will be taken for the Envision Mission.
The church secretary will be out of the office this Thursday afternoon and all day Friday. Please have all bulletin announcements to the church office prior to Thursday morning.
Join the GEMS this Friday evening for their annual dessert and Bunko event. Come for dessert and fellowship; staying to play Bunko is optional. Donations of your special dessert would be welcomed.
LYNDEN CHRISTMAS CHURCH CHOIR CANTATA: Calling all singers! Dec. 11 at 4 & 6 p.m. at Third CRC will be the seventh annual Lynden Christmas Church Choir Cantata. We will be performing Joseph Martin’s “Journey of Promises” with full orchestra. Rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Third Christian Reformed Church in Lynden. Subsequent rehearsals will be Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30, and a dress rehearsal on Dec. 7. Music scores will be $11 each. Singers high school age and up are invited to join your voice in praise and commemoration of the birth of our Savior!
Our GEMS girls are again doing the Butter Braids Fundraiser. The girls will have a table in the foyer for people to order in time for Thanksgiving. This is our service project and the profits will go to the Esther School.
Love, INC is in need of cake stands and appetizers for their fund raiser event being held this Friday, Oct. 21. Contact their office at 671-6201 if you can help them with this request.
Servants Next Sunday, Oct. 23: Greeters: Dale and Deloris Perry; Snacks: Pat Bosman and Helen Bowman; Serving Assistants: Maggie, Chantel, Caleb, Abee, Ushers: Don Knutson and Len Vander Woude; Prayer Room: Jen Roberts; Sunday school: Jolene Skovron and Diane Button; Children and Worship: Dan Obbink.
Our annual bazaar will be Nov. 18 from 4-8 and Nov. 19 from 8-4. Donations of homemade goodies are needed, as well as volunteers to sell and help cleanup and re-set up the sanctuary following the event. A signup poster is in the foyer. Contact Terry Vander Woude to reserve a table to sell your own homemade items.
Donations of winter coats, hats, gloves and scarves may still be brought to the church until Thursday afternoon.
Love, INC is looking for families/groups to donate a Thanksgiving basket for families who have contacted their office. Information about the baskets may be obtained from the church office.
The pre-budget meeting has been scheduled for October 26th at 7pm and will be held in the church foyer. This will be your chance to express your opinions, ask questions and learn how the figures were obtained for this next year’s budget. The congregational meeting will be held on Nov. 20 during the Sunday school hour.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “The Breastplate of Righteousness” based on Eph. 6:14b. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
It’s time to update our costume wardrobe for the Children’s Christmas program. I am looking for volunteers to sew some simple garments for all sizes to use for this program. If you are at all interested, which I hope you are, please let me know. I could really use someone that is willing to be the coordinator of this project, so if that interests you, let me know ASAP! The Christmas program will be December 4th. A mandatory dress rehearsal will be December 3rd. Thank you so much, Diane Button
Please plan to join us on Sunday, Oct. 30 following our church-wide potluck for a beginning discussion about the future ministry direction of Hope in Christ Church led by your Elder/Deacon team. In the May 15th History Workshop we completed a review of our past accomplishments and problems, but we didn’t have time to delve into what worked/failed and why. People will have a chance to discuss that and then to answer this question: “What is Jesus calling us to do today and what changes, if any, are needed?” We trust our recent Communications Workshop will aid us to make good progress as we seek to become a healthy, missional church. Can we count on you to participate?