When we gather as children of our heavenly King, we’re prompted to exhibit love for God and one another. Let us show a friendly spirit and be open to one another as we worship our Creator. We’re very glad you are here!
This week we are asked to pray for Keith and Kyle Sentkowski, Phil and Jolene Skovron and their children, Karen Smith and Chris Pike, Don and Elaine Snapper, Aaron and Megan Speyer and their children.
Mike Button underwent surgery this past Wednesday to repair the surgery previously performed. The doctor feels the surgery went well. We pray for a full and complete healing and recovery for him.
We lift Tena and Don Vanderpol up in prayer as Tena has metastatic melanoma, which was discovered in her abdomen. Cards of encouragement would be welcomed.
Carmen Larsen is now residing at the Lynden Christian Health Center and is in room 104.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “The Rest Of The Armor” based on Eph. 6:15-17. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
The church secretary will be out of the office this Thursday afternoon and all day Friday. Please have all bulletin announcements to the church office prior to Thursday morning and all Heartbeat articles to the office prior to Wednesday morning.
The pre-budget meeting has been scheduled for October 26th at 7pm and will be held in the church foyer.
Servants Next Sunday, Oct. 30: Greeters: Bud and Lorraine Brouwer; Snacks: Alice Brakke and Tricia Bravener; Serving Assistants: Amber, Mattea, Faith, Micah; Ushers: Lou Kooistra and Ken Wick; Prayer Room: Lou Kooistra; Sunday school: Jolene Skovron and Diane Button; Children and Worship: Jen Roberts and Amber Obbink.
Next Sunday there will be a potluck following the Sunday school hour. Please bring a hotdish and a salad or dessert to share. Donations of chips and/or pop is always welcome. Don’t forget to bring your own tableservice.
Please plan to join us next Sunday, Oct. 30, following our church-wide potluck for a beginning discussion about the future ministry direction of Hope in Christ Church led by your Elder/Deacon team.
Dec. 11 at 4 & 6 p.m. at Third CRC will be the seventh annual Lynden Christmas Church Choir Cantata. We will be performing Joseph Martin’s “Journey of Promises” with full orchestra. Rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Third Christian Reformed Church in Lynden.
Our GEMS girls are again doing the Butter Braids Fundraiser. The girls will have a table in the foyer for people to order in time for Thanksgiving. This is our service project and the profits will go to the Esther School.
We would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, words of comfort, and for the many who were in attendance at Jay’s father’s funeral. We appreciate our church family so much. We are also thankful that Dad is now at peace in his heavenly home but will be greatly missed. Jay and Avis Kaemingk
It’s time to update our costume wardrobe for the Children’s Christmas program. I am looking for volunteers to sew some simple garments for all sizes to use for this program. If you are at all interested, which I hope you are, please let me know. Diane Button
Love, INC is looking for families/groups to donate a Thanksgiving basket for families who have contacted their office. Information about the baskets may be obtained from the church office.