With genuine joy, we welcome all of you here today. Please join us as we seek God’s guidance in our lives.
Message: Why, O Lord?
Scripture: Psalm 22:1-5, Romans 5:3-5, James 1:2-4
Offering: Outreach Fund
Nov. 20, 2016
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Helen Bowman, Alice Brakke, Tricia and Mairi Bravener, Bud and Lorraine Brouwer, Marlene Butenschoen, Mike and Diane Button. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
We are so grateful and thankful for all our friends at Hope in Christ who have supported us through prayer, visits, cards, phone calls, and meals before, during, and after Mike’s two surgeries and recovery. Both surgeries presented some unexpected results and/or conditions, but one thing was constant through it all and that was God’s faithfulness. He heard your prayers on our behalf and blessed us. Mike is recovering very well and the surgery was a success! Mike and Diane Button
Next Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and our sermon will be “Sola Scriptura” based on Psalm 19:1. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Our annual congregational meeting will be held this morning during the Sunday school hour. All are welcome to join us for this meeting as we vote on the proposed 2016-2017 budget and the ministries we will support through the out-reach fund.
Join us this Thursday at 9:30 am for our Thanksgiving Service. We will be sitting at tables and sharing a bounty of grapes and bread for our communion.
Our Children’s Christmas Program will be held December 4 during the morning service. Diane is asking for small goodies, pencils, etc. to place in bags that will be given to every child present during the service. Donations may be dropped off at the church office or brought next Sunday, Nov. 27.
Terry and Donna wish to thank all those who donated items for the bazaar, helped out, who came and supported our vendors, who helped set up and take down the tables and re-set up the sanctuary. Funds earned at the bazaar are normally used to replace kitchen items, the rolling carts and folding tables, etc. So thank you to all who helped make this event possible.
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks to our Heavenly Father. So a list of questions is enclosed for you and your family to consider this holiday season. Come to the Thanksgiving service on Thursday with your thoughts on these questions.
Servants Next Sunday, Nov. 27: Greeters: Jay and Avis Kaemingk; Snacks: Avis Kaemingk, Marilyn Kaiser; Serving Assistants: Chantel, Caleb, Abee, Amber; Ushers: Deloris Perry and Bud Brouwer; Prayer Room: Denise Doezema; Sunday school: Jolene Skovron and Diane Button; Children and Worship: Bekah Roberts and Ali Laninga.
Vitality Pathway—EPIC Workshop. In this workshop, we’ll explore ways of navigating the challenging, and sometimes turbulent, waters of change in the local church. In the Veritas workshop we addressed the need for healthy missional change at Hope in Christ Church. In a future workshop we’ll address the specifics of exactly what we need to change. In this workshop we’ll address how to change things effectively, constructively, and graciously. Please save the date: Saturday, December 10th, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. The doors will open for coffee and pastries at 8:30. Workbooks, lunch, and childcare will be provided. Please fill out one of the registration slips in the bulletins (so we’ll know how many workbooks and meals to provide) and place them in the registration box in the back of the sanctuary. Adults and teens 12 years and older are encouraged to attend.
The GEMS wish to thank everyone for their participation in their fund raiser for the Esther School. The girls raised $750 that will be sent to the school.
Ebenezer Christian School’s annual wreath and bake sale will be held Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at North County Christ the King’s Kids Place Commons next to WFC in Lynden’s Fairway Shopping Center. Find beautifully decorated wreaths for your home and fabulous baked goods including cookie trays, pies, almond sticks, cinnamon rolls, and olie bollen.
The Lynden Christian High School FFA Christmas wreath sale has several glorious bows to choose from including burlap, classic red and green plaid, along with customary red or silver options. The costs are $15 for 12-inch frame (20-inch finished wreath), $20 for an 18-inch frame (30-inch finished), and $20 for a cross wreath. To order your beautiful hand-made wreath, call the high school office at 354-3221 by Dec. 14.
The church secretary will be preparing the Dec. Heartbeat the week of Dec. 27 as the office will be closed Thursday and Friday of this week.