I received this update from a man who works in the Ukraine that I met last year at a homeschool conference. Most of us aren’t aware, or have forgotten that part of the Ukraine is in a serious conflict wanting to secede and join Russia. The hostilities have displaced 1.75 million people. Here is some front line news from Christians trying to serve people on the front lines:
“In the village Gnutovo we visited a family living only 500 meters from the armed conflict. They are regularly fired upon by pro-Russian separatists. Sometimes shells explode in their garden. They have no-where to go and no money, so they live here, hiding in their cellar during the bombardments. We shared about God, cried together, and prayed with these people.”
“We took back roads to reach the village of Orlovskoe, being stopped more than once by patrols. When we arrived in Orlovskoe we found, that people in anticipation of our arrival, had waited several hours for us in the bitter cold. Their hope was simply to receive bread, cereal grains, and cooking oil. Public transport does not operate here, no shop in the village is working, and no one is receiving social security checks. About 100-150 people are held as hostages in this situation for they have no place to go. People admitted that apart from us no one is coming.”
What a testimony to the care of the Church. We go to hard places, and care for people without hope in order to introduce them to the Savior. Our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine are willing to risk their lives to bring the Savior to people. So let me ask a question, “What would you be willing to risk in order to bring Christ to the lost?”