On this Sunday we extend a welcome to all who have come to praise our Creator. We are sincerely happy that you have joined us this morning.
Message: Wickedness of Nineveh
Scripture: Jonah 1:1-2
Offering: General Fund
Jan. 8, 2017
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for David and Ida Richards, Scott and Jen Roberts and their children, Mark and Rockelle Ruiter and their children, Doug and Jan Scholten, Joanne Schultz. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Mike Button’s father passed away last week. Instead of a memorial service there will be a celebration of his life with a “kite fly” in the spring. Information about the date, etc. will be provided later and the church family will be invited to the celebration.
Jodi Meir, a former member of our church, has been ill and requests prayers.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “A Fleeing Prophet” based on Jonah 1:3-9. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Our offering next week will be for the “Outreach Fund.” The Deacons request that you designate on your check that your offering is for the outreach, general, or benevolence fund.
Join our Friendship group tomorrow evening at 7pm as they perform their Christmas pageant. Come see how donkey and camel try to pursuance the audience that Christmas is all about them. The teachers will be providing light snacks following the program.
The women’s Tuesday evening study group will meet this Tuesday at 7pm in the church foyer. The group will be studying lesson seven.
There are many families in our county who are being hit very hard with severe heating bills. Our offering on January 29th will be taken for our benevolent fund. The Deacons are asking our church family to give generously on that Sunday so that we may help Love, INC. meet the needs of those who qualify for assistance with their heating bills. If you are in need of financial assistance for your heating bills, please contact your Deacon.
Servants Next Sunday, Jan. 15: Greeters: Herm and Ali Laninga; Snacks: Rockelle Ruiter and Jan Scholten; Serving Assistants: Mattea, Caleb, Faith, Michal; Ushers: Don Knutson and Deloris Perry; Prayer Room: Christine Speyer; Sunday school: Darlys Recker and Ida Richards; Children and Worship: Diane Button.
Would you like to take a turn at ushering/handing out the weekly bulletins? Please let the office know if you would like to be added to the list of servants.
The church office has a second email account that is being used to send group announcements. You may want to check your account to make sure it is not moving the announcements to your “junk” folder before you see it.
Anyone who wishes to participate on the worship team vocals, instrumentalists, sound, or power point are asked to contact Melissa Koning as she is working on a new schedule and this would be a great time to join.
Contact Mike Boer to join the team being put together to plan the remodel of the Administration Building.
Pastor John and Jean Van Hemert wish to thank everyone for their prayers and cards during the recent loss of their daughter. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. A tentative date for their daughter’s memorial is Jan..21 in the Immanuel Church of Langley, British Columbia.
You are invited to the Calvin College January Series that began on Jan. 4 and continues through Jan. 24 at Lynden Third CRC in the basement Gathering Room (use west entrance on 6th St). Each lecture will be shown via a “live feed” from Calvin College from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and will cover topics ranging from reimagining healthcare, closing the gender gap in technology, global poverty and violence, vocation and calling, race and reconciliation and so much more by top experts in their fields. The Lynden site is one of 50 remote webcast sites across the continent, joining a daily audience of about 3,000 people a day. For more information about the speakers, topics, remote sites and listening options, visit the website at www.calvin.edu/january. Don’t miss out on this chance to hear fabulous lectures and experience a piece of Calvin College right here in Whatcom County.