As Christians we are “one in the Lord.” With loving hearts let us reach out in a gesture of friendship to one another. Welcome to all!
Message: A Fleeing Prophet
Scripture: Jonah 1:3-9
Offering: Outreach Fund
January 15, 2017
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Vicki Seim, Mitchell and Rochelle Senti and their children, Keith Sentkowski, Kyle Sentkowski, Phil and Jolene Skovron and their children, Karen Smith and Chris Pike. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Bud Brouwer underwent hip replacement surgery this past week. We give praise that the surgery was successful and pray that he will have a speedy and full recovery from the surgery.
Tim Veenstra has pneumonia and is quite ill. We lift him up in prayer.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “The God of Storms” based on Jonah 1:9-16. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Our offering this morning is for the outreach fund. If you are placing a check in the offering plate, please designate on the memo line what fund the check is to be placed in (outreach, general, adoption, benevolence, etc.).
There are many families in our county who are being hit very hard with severe heating bills. Our offering on January 29th will be for our benevolent fund. The Deacons are asking our church family to give generously on that Sunday so that we may help Love, INC. meet the needs of those who qualify for assistance with their heating bills. If you are in need of financial assistance for your heating bills, please contact your Deacon.
Love, INC. has received requests for firewood from families whose heat is only by wood. If you have some firewood to donate, please contact Love, INC.
Join your church family on Jan. 29 for a potluck following Sunday school; we will be discussing the enclosed “What is our biblical story?”
Servants Next Sunday, January 22: Greeters: Dale and Deloris Perry; Snacks: Joanne Schultz and Jolene Skovron; Serving Assistants: Maggie, Grace, Kylie, Clara; Ushers: Len Vander Woude and Helen Bowman; Prayer Room: Lanny Speyer; Sunday school: Darlys Recker and Ida Richards; Children and Worship: Dan Obbink and Kylie Thramer.
The Friendship students and their teachers wish to thank everyone who came to see their Christmas Pageant. The students were excited to put the program on and to share the Christmas story with friends and family.
Memorial for Joy Van Hemert is scheduled for Sat. Jan. 21 at 2 p.m. at the Immanuel Church of Langley, British Columbia, 21713 50th Ave., Langley, B. C. For contact for the memorial or questions, contact Cindy at 604-533-5554 or cell 604-418-4028; for Joy’s parents call 561-351-1239 and 206-778-1523. Address is John and Jean Van Hemert, 1101 Terrace Dr., Lynden, WA 98264.
HOSPICE is in need of volunteers and is offering an informational meeting on Saturday, Feb. 25 from 9-11:30 at their office located at 2800 Douglas Ave., Bellingham.
Pastor Scott, Jen and their children are pursuing the adoption of a little boy from China. If you would like to financially help them, you may donate through the deacons or give directly to them. The Konings give praise they have been able to raise sufficient funds for the adoption of a son and are working on final arrangements.
Envision Mission is now meeting at our church the second Sunday of each month at 4:30 pm.
A group meets at church each Sunday at 8:15 am to start their day of worship with prayer. All are encouraged and welcomed to come and participate or sit with them in silence, whatever makes you comfortable.
Do you have medical equipment you would be willing to loan to your church family? Our “Faith Community Nurse” (Alice Brakke), is putting together a list of items such as crutches, shower seats, walkers, etc., that may be borrowed by those recovering from surgery. Please let Alice or the office know what medical equipment you are willing to loan out.