Rejoice as we serve God. May our hearts overflow with love for God and for one another. Reach out in Christian love to welcome one another. We are pleased by your presence here this morning!
Message: God of Storms
Scripture: Jonah 1:4-16
Offering: General Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Don and Elaine Snapper, Aaron and Megan Speyer and their children, Lanny and Christine Speyer, Ruth Stadt, Kylie Thramer, Donna Van Beek Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Pastor John and Jean VanHemert wish to thank everyone for their kindness during the loss of their daughter. Thank you for the cards, flowers, visits and especially your prayers during this very sad time. Please continue to pray for strength and healing for the family.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “Jonah’s Prayer” based on Jonah 1:17-2:10. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Lou and Ev Kooistra would very much like to thank everyone in our church family for the wonderful cards and your thoughts and prayers these past two weeks. It means a lot to us.
All articles and calendar events for the February Heartbeat are to be in the church office prior to Jan. 26.
Plan to join your church family next Sunday, Jan. 29th, for a potluck lunch following Sunday school. Please bring a hotdish, salad or dessert to share; your own tableservice would also be helpful. The Hospitality Team will be providing baked ham. Donations of beverages would also be appreciated.
Following lunch next week, we will be discussing “What is our biblical story?” which has previously been distributed and copies are available on the information stand in the foyer.
The men’s Wednesday morning social group has changed their meeting place to LaFeens, 1466 Electric Ave (across from Whatcom Falls Park).
Love INC is looking for five more phone call volunteers for its Calling Center. If you are available sometime between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, call the office at 671-6201.
Servants Next Sunday, January 29: Greeters: Jerry and Faye Hop; Snacks: Karen Smith and Elaine Snapper; Serving Assistants: Zeke, Abee, Thad, Micah; Ushers: Lou Kooistra and Bud Brouwer; Prayer Room: Denise Doezema; Sunday school: Christine Speyer and Ida Richards; Children and Worship: Jen Roberts and Mairi Bravener.
There are many families in our county who are being hit very hard with severe heating bills. Our offering on January 29th will be for our benevolence fund. The Deacons are asking our church family to give generously on that Sunday so that we may help Love, INC meet the needs of those who qualify for assistance with their heating bills. If you are in need of financial assistance for your heating bills, please contact your Deacon.
Love, INC. has received requests for firewood from families whose heat is only by wood. If you have some firewood to donate, please contact Love, INC.
Pastor Scott, Jen and their children are pursuing the adoption of a little boy from China. If you would like to financially help them, you may donate through the deacons or give directly to them. The Konings give praise they have been able to raise sufficient funds for the adoption of a son and are working on final arrangements.
Envision Mission is now meeting at our church the second Sunday of each month at 4:30 pm.
A group meets at church each Sunday at 8:15 am to start their day of worship with prayer. All are encouraged and welcomed to come and participate or sit with them in silence, whatever makes you comfortable.
Caring for someone with memory loss? A free information and support group for unpaid care partners, family members and friends of those diagnosed by age 65 or younger is starting soon in the Bellingham area. For more information, contact Linda Whiteside at 206-529-3875.
Do you have medical equipment you would be willing to loan to your church family? Our “Faith Community Nurse” (Alice Brakke), is putting together a list of items such as crutches, shower seats, walkers, etc., that may be borrowed by those recovering from surgery. Please let the office know what medical equipment you are willing to loan out