What a friend we have in Jesus! Christ has befriended us. Let us befriend one another by extending our hands in Christian fellowship. Welcome to all.
Message: The Prayer of Jonah
Scripture: Jonah 1:17-2:10
Offering: Benevolence Fund
This week we are asked to pray for Pastor John and Jean Van Hemert, Roland and Esther Vanden Bos, Len and Terry Vander Woude, don and Tena Vanderpol, Lee and Arlene Veenstra. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Dear Church family, once again we’ve felt the blessing of loving and caring family here at Hope in Christ church with the passing of Mike’s dad. Many thanks to those of you that have prayed for us and with us, sent us cards, and been supportive in conversations. We look forward to the memorial kite fly in the spring to honor Mike’s dad, and hope to see some of you there! We’ll let you know when that will be. Thank you so much, Mike and Diane
Thank you, church family, for your prayers, visits, emails and calls. We appreciated your concern and support after Bud’s recent hip surgery! Bud and Lorraine Brouwer
Ken and I would like to thank you for all the prayers you have covered us with during our time away. We have been Blessed by this trip and have had meaningful visits with all our family. We ask for continued prayer for our last week here. I have an infection but I am on antibiotics and prednisone. We covet prayers for making it through this last week and a safe trip home. We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon. Ken and Elaine Wick
Please continue to remember me in prayer, that I am on my way to a complete recovery and back to a normal life. I’m in God’s hands now and I know there’s no better place to be. God bless and be with each of you also, thanks so much for your love, prayers and support, I could not have made it this far without it. Love, Tena
Our sermon next Sunday will be brought to us by Pastor Alvin Vander Griend. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
This morning the Deacons will be collecting funds for the Benevolence Fund, which will be used to help those in need of assistance with their large heating bills. Please designate on the memo line of your check which fund it is to be placed in (benevolence, general). This morning the Deacons will be handing out the 2016 Gift Receipts.
The February issue of The Heartbeat, our monthly newsletter, is available this morning.
Join us today for lunch following the Sunday school hour. We will be serving baked ham. If you forgot and didn’t bring something to share, we hope you will stay anyway and join us for lunch.
Servants Next Sunday, Feb. 5: Greeters: Bud and Lorraine Brouwer; Snacks: Megan Speyer, Christine Speyer; Serving Assistants: Amber, Mattea, Caleb, Faith; Ushers: Joe Pruitt and Don Knutson; Prayer Room: Don Vanderpol; Sunday school: Christine Speyer and Ida Richards; Children and Worship: Diane Button and Ali Laninga.
The men’s Wednesday morning social group has changed their meeting place to Haggen’s at Barkley Village; they meet at 10 am for coffee.
A group meets at church each Sunday at 8:15 am to start their day of worship with prayer. All are encouraged and welcomed to come and participate or sit with them in silence, whatever makes you comfortable.
Do you have medical equipment you would be willing to loan to your church family? Please let the office know what medical equipment you are willing to loan out.
Super Bowl party at the Church on Feb 5! Brian Koning will lead a TAG discussion during half time. Come with snacks and drinks to share. Doors open at 3 pm. Don’t forget your blanket and slippers!
Jessie Figenbaum is turning 98 on Feb. 15. We want to “shower” her with birthday cards. We will have a basket in the lobby on Sunday, Feb. 12th, for you to put a birthday card in for Jessie. The cards will be delivered to her on her birthday.
March 8 is our Denomination’s Day of Prayer. The church council invites you to join them on March. 8 from 7-7:45pm to spend time in prayer with your church family.
Enclosed in the bulletin is a letter from Brian Koning with the updated prayer partner list.
This Wednesday is our church’s monthly day of prayer. Take an hour that day to pray using the enclosed list, plus anything else the Lord puts on your heart. Contact Scott Emory if you would like to be assigned one of the hours to pray, which can be done at your home, on the beach, in your garden, etc.
Following lunch today we will be discussing “What is our biblical story?” which has previously been distributed and copies are available on the information stand in the foyer and at the lunch.
If I could turn back the clock, I certainly would take back that one step that resulted in my broken leg. However, being on the receiving end of your love through the cards, emails, phone calls, meals and other well wishes has been such a blessing. Thank you all so much for your outpouring of love. Continued prayers for patience as I continue to heal are appreciated. Jerry and Faye