We welcome all who are here to worship our heavenly Father. We are glad that you have joined us this morning.
Message: Sent Again, A City Saved
Scripture: Jonah 3:1-10
Offering: General Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Mike and Jenn Boer and their sons, Del and Pat Bosman, Helen Bowman, Alice Brakke, Tricia and Mairi Bravener. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “Issues of the Heart” based on Jonah 3:10-4:3. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
We would like to express our deepest and most sincere thanks to our brothers and sisters at Hope In Christ that anonymously gave us the generous monetary gift at Christmas. We were so surprised, and our hearts felt your love and care for us during this time of need. We love you and thank God for you. God is so good! Mike and Diane Button
The Vitality Team wants to thank everyone who took the time to fill out the PULSE Survey. If you have not taken the survey, you have until midnight today to complete it. It will be about a month or so before we receive the Pulse Report back. In the meanwhile, we are approaching individuals to form a team for the next phase. Please be in prayer as this team is formed.
The council was unable to meet this past Wednesday. They will be meeting this Wednesday evening at 7pm in the lobby.
The First CRC youth group will be hosting a Youth Unlimited SERVE project the week of June 25-July 1. Fifty-three students and leaders from Illinois, Minnesota and Montana will be attending. They are looking for some additional work sites for these groups. If you know of someone (neighbor, family, or friend) who could benefit from a small group completing yardwork, house painting, fence repair, or light construction, please call Dan Houston at 354-4560. They will be able to provide most of the supplies, so they are truly looking to help those in need.
Sea to Sea is a bike tour across the United States and Canada taking place this summer. Sea to Sea needs semi drivers, medics, and other individuals who will volunteer for a one-, two-, or nine-week segment of the ride. To volunteer, call (800) CALL-BIKE or e-mail volunteer@seatosea.org.
Servants Next Sunday, Feb. 19: Greeters: Lanny and Christine Speyer; Snacks: Karen Smith and Tena Vanderpol; Serving Assistants: Kylie, Abee, Micah, Amber; Ushers: Helen Bowman and Lou Kooistra; Prayer Room: Jay Kaemingk; Sunday school: Christine Speyer and Ida Richards; Children and Worship: Dan Obbink and Kylie Thramer.
Hope in Christ Church participates in the “safe church” program. One of the suggestions of the program is to have two adults in each classroom during Sunday school. Since this is not feasible, the council has decided that one volunteer each Sunday will observe the classrooms during Sunday school. If you wish to volunteer to be one of the observers or have a question, please contact the church office.
The Lighthouse Mission’s first “Light In the Night Gala” will be Feb. 25 at 6:30 at Settlemeyer Hall at Bellingham Technical College. The event will support the men and women at the Mission’s drop-in center. The cost is $45; if you reserve a table of eight you receive one free ticket. To order tickets or for more information, call 671-1562 or visit thelighthousemission.org.
Love, INC is looking for people who are available to volunteer one day a week during the times of 9am-1pm Mon-Thur. “Meet and Greet” Volunteer Informational Meeting Wednesday, February 15th, at 1:00 pm at the Love INC office, 1998 Midway Lane, Bellingham, contact Cindy at office@whatcomloveinc.org
Whether you are skilled in or new to home reconstruction, or if you enjoy cooking for groups, consider volunteering with World Renew Disaster Response Services this year. There are many ways to serve, from group mission trips to a structured three-week opportunity. Visit worldrenew.net/aboutdrs to learn more.
Envision Mission will be meeting at our church at 4:30 this afternoon