Bulletin – week of February 26, 2017

Bulletin – week of February 26, 2017

We are very happy to have everyone present at this service of worship. It is here that we can find light for any darkness. It is here that we may find the blessings and comfort which God alone can offer. Welcome!

Message: The God Who Seeks And Saves The Lost

Scripture: Jonah 4:4-11  

Offering: General Fund

Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Sissy Davis, Chuck Dean, Dave and Lisa DeSalvo, Chris and Jeanette Dillard and their children, Denise Doezema. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.

We lift up Joe and Barb Zylstra in prayer as they grieve over the recent loss of Joe’s brother-in-law Will Maas, who died in an accident last weekend.

Christine Speyer’s cousin Jim Anderson, who lives in Mt. Vernon, has been diagnosed with a tumor in the brain that is pressing on the optic nerve which has caused him to lose sight in his right eye. He is scheduled to have surgery on Monday, February 27th at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. Please pray boldly for wisdom and guidance for the surgeon and that the surgery will be successful in removing the tumor completely and that the tumor will be benign. Please also pray for a sense of peace for Jim and his wife Janis as they wait and may they feel the love of Christ covering them through prayer.


Our sermon next Sunday will be “The Greatness of God” based on 1Chr. 29:10-13. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat. Next Sunday we will also be celebrating the Lord’s Table together.

The church office will be closed Thursday and Friday as the secretary will be on vacation. All notices for the bulletin need to be in the church office prior to Wednesday.

Join the GEMS and their counselors this Friday at 5:30pm for a baked potato dinner with all the trimmings, followed by a fun evening of Bunko. Come for dinner and stay to play or just come for the dinner part of the evening. Cost of the dinner is by donation and checks should designate on the memo line that it is for GEMS.

Are you interested in applying for the Church Administrative Assistant Position (church secretary) for Hope in Christ Church? A copy of the job description approved by the council has been posted on the bulletin board in the foyer and the church’s web site.

Servants Next Sunday, March 5: Greeters: Jay and Avis Kaemingk; Snacks: Helen Bowman and Alice Brakke; Serving Assistants: Abee, Thad, Caleb; Ushers: Joe Pruitt and Don Knutson; Prayer Room: Jen Roberts; Sunday school: Mike Boer and Ida Richards; Children and Worship: Bekah Roberts and Ali Laninga.

The Lighthouse Mission’s first “Light In the Night Gala” will be Feb. 25 at 6:30 at Settlemeyer Hall at Bellingham Technical College. The event will support the men and women at the Mission’s drop-in center. The cost is $45; if you reserve a table of eight you receive one free ticket. To order tickets or for more information, call 671-1562 or visit thelighthousemission.org.

Calling all campers: Several church families are camping at Birch Bay July 13-16 and at Deception Pass from Aug 10-13. For both weekends, we are in the vicinity of campsite #150. Book your own campsite and stay overnight. If overnight doesn’t work, consider coming for a day trip. Contact Jennifer Boer if interested.

The church secretary will be on vacation the week of March 13th and help is needed to cover the office while Terry is gone. If you are available and can come in for a few hours or 1-4 days, please contact Terry at 733-6177.

Are you doing your spring cleaning? Jen Roberts is collecting good items for a garage sale to help raise money for their adoption of a little boy from China. You may bring your items now and store them in the youth portable.

Deloris Perry will be handing out chicken this morning to some of the church families.

The March issue of “The Heartbeat,” our monthly newsletter, is available this morning.

“So, what are you giving up for Lent?” Has anybody ever asked you that question? Lent does involve self-denial, but it’s much more. It’s a season to focus on the hope of Jesus Christ. Receive a free Today Devotional series to help you refresh, refocus, and renew your faith during Lent. Subscribe at todaydevotional.com/lent.

Join members of the CRC nearby and around the world in prayer on March 8, the denominational annual Day of Prayer. Gather with our church council or pray individually, asking God’s blessing upon the world, our nations, crops and industry, and the church worldwide. The council invites you to join them on March 8 from 7-7:45pm for a time of prayer prior to the council meeting.


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