We are grateful for all who have come to worship our Creator today. Let us come together with joy and love in our hearts. Bless you, friends, and be assured that you are indeed welcome.
Message: The Fear of God
Scripture: Eccl. 12:13
Offering: General Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Anne Geleynse, Darryl and Gloria Groothuis, Dan Grover, Jerry and Faye Hop, Mark Ireland and Jr. Johnson. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
The Koning family requests continued prayers as they are nearing the date to travel to China to pick up their new son. A tentative date of travel for the family is April 11.
We lift up Ken and Elaine Wick in prayer as they grieve over the loss of their granddaughter McKenzie who died unexpectedly last Friday morning. Please pray for her parents and siblings, as well as the rest of the family.
Our sermon next Sunday will be “The Love of God” based on Hosea 2:14-31, Rom. 8:32-39. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Calling all campers: Several church families are camping at Birch Bay July 13-16 and at Deception Pass from Aug 10-13. For both weekends we are in the vicinity of campsite #150. Book your own campsite and stay overnight. If overnight doesn’t work, consider coming for a day trip. Contact Jennifer Boer if interested.
The annual state-of-the-union address and fund-raiser for the Light of the World Prayer Center will be at 7:00 pm on Thursday, March 23rd in the Hope in Christ sanctuary. If anyone from Hope in Christ Church would like to attend to hear the update, please let Scott Emory know.
Are you doing your spring cleaning? Jen Roberts is collecting good items for a garage sale to help raise money for their adoption of a little boy from China. You may bring your items now and store them in the youth portable. The deacons have an adoption fund set up should you wish to donate to assist any family in the adoption process.
Terry Vander Woude, the church secretary, will be on vacation this week. Jenn Boer will be in the office in the afternoons checking emails and phone messages, as well as doing the bulletin.
The Tuesday evening women’s study group will not be meeting this week. Their next meeting will be March 28th and will be meeting in the church foyer.
The Vitality Team wish to thank everyone who participated in the on-line survey. We are pleased that sixty-six of you took the time to take the survey. We hope to have the results by the end of March.
Servants Next Sunday, March 19: Greeters: Don and Elaine Snapper; Snacks: Lisa DeSalvo and Denise Doezema; Serving Assistants: Mattea, Kylie, Zeke; Ushers: Bud Brouwer and Lou Kooistra; Prayer Room: Ida Richards; Sunday school: Herm and Ali Laninga and Jolene Skovron; Children and Worship: Dan Obbink and Kylie Thramer.
Would you/your family be interested in participating in a week of mission work at Omak this summer? Ruth Stadt is interested in organizing a group to work there. Contact Ruth to discuss dates/ ideas.
The Deacons have placed some envelopes on the stand in the foyer for those donating cash to the church and would like to designate where the cash is to be used. Today’s offering is for the General Fund. All cash and undesignated checks will be placed in the General Fund offering.
Are you interested in applying for the Church Administrative Assistant Position (church secretary) for Hope in Christ Church? A copy of the job description approved by the council has been posted on the bulletin board in the foyer and the church’s web site with directions on applying for the position. If you know someone looking for a part time job that is qualified and would be interested in this position, please encourage them to apply.
Are you willing to be called upon to help someone in need that has been screened by Love, INC? If so, it would be appreciated if you would complete the enclosed form and return it to the church secretary. This information will help the new secretary know who to call upon when requests are received from Love, INC.
LEARN ABOUT TOXIC CHARITY: The new executive director of the Lighthouse Mission, Hans Erchinger-Davis, will speak on the topic of “toxic charity” on March 23 at 6:30 p.m. at Mountain View CRC. Grow in your understanding of God’s heart for the poor and learn how you can be better equipped to respond effectively to their needs. Refreshments will follow this event. For more information, call Harvey at 305-1187.
The CRC denomination recently sent out an article titled “A Statement on the Treatment of Refugees.” A copy of the article has been printed and may be found on the information stand in the foyer.
Each week the Whatcom Community Bulletin, which contains news from local Christian Reformed Churches as well as other CRC news, is printed and available on the information stand in the foyer.
The GEMS counselors and students wish to thank everyone who came to their baked potato/bunko event. Thank you for your financial support and for praying for them.