Bulletin – Week of March 26, 2017

Bulletin – Week of March 26, 2017

With cheerful hearts, we welcome all who have come to glorify the One in whose image we are made. Please join hearts and hands in true worship of our Lord and Savior.

 Message: Risking For The Rewards of Heaven

 Scripture:  Luke 6:27-35

 Offering: General Fund

Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Brian and Melissa Koning and their children, Lou and Evelyn Kooistra, Herm and Ali Laninga, Carmen Larsen. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.


Our sermon next Sunday will be “Gratitude Leads To Risk” based on Rom. 11:32-33, 12:1-2. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.

We will not be having Sunday school classes or Children and Worship on April 16th as it is Easter.

Judges are needed for a speech and debate tournament on April 6–8 at Lynden Christian High School. There will be 11 speech events, including apologetics and biblical presentation, and two forms of debate. No previous experience in debate or judging is needed. Judging a round takes three hours including a brief training, the competition, and time to complete ballots and enjoy complimentary food and beverages. You may sign up for one round or multiple rounds. For more information on judging, contact Stephanie Jonson at 714-1430 or judgeinformation@gmail.com. Register on-line at http://www.ncfca. org/how-to-get-involved/judge. For more information about the local Whatcom County club, e-mail epicspeechanddebate@gmail.com.

The April issue of “The Heartbeat,” our monthly newsletter is available this morning in print form and on the church’s web site.

The toys, etc. that were in the nursery have been moved to the youth portable and will be donated to the upcoming garage sale. If you donated items and would like to have them back, please take them prior to May 31.

Servants Next Sunday, April 2: Greeters: Don and Tena Vanderpol; Snacks: Marilyn Kaiser and Connie Knutson; Serving Assistants: Clara, Micah, Maggie; Ushers: Joe Pruitt and Don Knutson; Prayer Room: Ali Laninga; Sunday school: Diane Button and Brian Koning; Children and Worship: Jen Roberts and Amber Obbink.

It has been decided to put off until next year a mission trip to Omak to help those affected by fires in their area. Instead, our church will be doing a “home mission” to remodel the Administration Building. The April issue of “The Heartbeat” has more information regarding the remodel plan. If you wish to donate to this fund, please be sure to designate on your check/envelope that it is for the “home mission remodel fund.”

Are you doing your spring cleaning? Jen Roberts is collecting good items for a garage sale to be held in our sanctuary on June 2-3 to help raise money for their adoption of a little boy from China. You may bring your clean saleable items now and store them in the youth portable. The deacons have an adoption fund set up should you wish to donate to assist a family in the adoption process (please do not designate a specific family).

The Deacons have placed some envelopes on the stand in the foyer for those donating cash to the church and would like to designate where the cash is to be used. Today’s offering is for the General Fund.

The women’s Tuesday evening study group will be meeting in the church foyer this week and studying chapter 2 of their book.

The memorial kite fly for Ron Button, Mike’s dad, will be Saturday, May 6th. It will be at Zuanich Point Park, his and Mike’s favorite place to fly kites. The time frame will be from 10:00-4:00, so you can come by whenever you want. We hope to see you there! Any questions contact Mike at 733-7380 or kite102 @aol.com.

The Kings Men of Song will be performing in our church on Sunday, April 30. Desserts and beverages will be served at 6:30pm with the concert to begin at 7. A free-will offering will be taken on behalf of the Lighthouse Mission. 


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