With genuine joy we welcome all who have come to praise our Creator. There are no strangers here, we are all children of the heavenly Father.
Message: Gratitude Leads To Risking for God
Scripture: Romans 11:32-33, 12:1-2
Offering: General Fund
This week we are asked to pray for Marion Martin, Linda McConnaughey, Dan and Tanya Obbink and their children, Lisa Oppenhuizen, Dale and Deloris Perry. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Sandi Geleynse, a former attendee of our church and a member of the Friendship program, passed away last Monday. We lift her husband Dennis up in prayer. Please also pray for the other Friendship students and the mentors. A memorial service will be held for Sandi at our church soon.
The Konings are heading to China on April 17 to meet their new son/brother.
We lift up Don and Darlys Recker in prayer at the loss of Don’s sister.
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper today. As we take this supper, we remember that Jesus Christ graciously gives us the most important of all things. It is something money cannot buy—eternal life and forgiveness of sin. May you receive today what He wishes to give you. The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. However, it may contain egg.
The Board of Northwest Hispanic Ministry invites you to a free dinner and a time to rejoice as Joe Strong shares how God is changing lives and building His kingdom here in Western Washington. Our banquet locations and times are Friday, April 28th at 6:00 p.m. First Christian Reformed Church, 701 W. Blackburn Rd., Mt. Vernon and Saturday, April 29th at 5:30 p.m. at Third Christian Reformed Church in Lynden.
Let’s decorate the portable cross on Easter morning! Bring your favorite flowers to place on the cross as we celebrate He Arose!
The toys, etc. that were in the nursery have been moved to the youth portable and will be donated to the upcoming garage sale. If you donated items and would like to have them back, please take them prior to May 31.
An annual traditional Whatcom County Easter Sunrise Service now in its third decade will be held on Resurrection Sunday, April 16. Dan and Emily Gibson host this worship service on their farm’s hill at 1613 Central Road, between Hannegan and Noon roads. Arrive by 7 a.m. for 30 minutes of Scripture readings and hymn singing followed by hot chocolate, coffee, and warm cinnamon rolls, with enough time to get to your church worship services. Dress warm and wear sturdy shoes. More information is at https://briarcroft.wordpress.com/annual-easter-sunrise-service/.
Servants Next Sunday, April 9: Greeters: David and Ida Richards and Jr. Johnson; Snacks: Melissa Koning and Evelyn Kooistra; Serving Assistants: Amber, Abee, Kylie; Ushers: Deloris Perry and Elaine Snapper; Prayer Room: Connie Knutson; Sunday school: Herm and Ali Laninga, Jolene Skovron; Children and Worship: Bekah Roberts and Ali Laninga.
Applications for the church secretary position are still being accepted. If you know someone who would do well in this position, is a Christian, please refer them to the church’s web site for information regarding this position.
The Deacons are accepting donations for the “home mission” remodel of the Administration Building. The Deacons request that you designate on your check that your donation is for a specific fund. Today’s offering will be taken for the general fund.
Judges are needed for a speech and debate tournament on April 6–8 at Lynden Christian High School. No previous experience in debate or judging is needed. Judging a round takes three hours including a brief training, the competition, and time to complete ballots and enjoy complimentary food and beverages. You may sign up for one round or multiple rounds. For more information on judging, contact Stephanie Jonson at 714-1430 or judgeinformation@gmail.com. Register on-line at http://www.ncfca. org/how-to-get-involved/judge. Host a family that is participating in the speech and debate tournament. No meals are required as the families leave early and return late during the tournament. If any questions or want to volunteer to host, please contact Jen Roberts.
Jen Roberts is collecting good items for a garage sale to be held in our sanctuary on June 2-3 to help raise money for their adoption of a little boy from China. You may bring your clean saleable items now and store them in the C portable.
The memorial kite fly for Ron Button, Mike’s dad, will be Saturday, May 6th. It will be at Zuanich Point Park, his and Mike’s favorite place to fly kites. The time frame will be from 10:00-4:00, so you can come by whenever you want. We hope to see you there! Any questions contact Mike at 733-7380 or kite102 @aol.com.
Please join the church family this Wednesday and take time to pray. You may use the enclosed list of suggested prayer items and pray where you live or work and on your own schedule.
The Dunamis Project is being held this year April 20-22 at Birchwood Presbyterian Church. For more information pick up a flyer from the information stand in the foyer.
GEMS will not be held this Monday due to spring break.