Bulletin – Week of April 9, 2017

Bulletin – Week of April 9, 2017

On this Palm Sunday, help us to understand its meaning and to rejoice as we hail our courageous Lord, Jesus Christ.

Message: Comfort Is Not The Goal

Scripture: Romans 8:18

Offering: General Fund

Prayer Requests:

This week we are asked to pray for Joe Pruitt, Debra Reamer, Mona Reardon, Don and Darlys Recker, David and Ida Richards, Elizabeth and Morgan Roberts. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.

Marion Martin passed away last week. Her family has decided to wait to have a memorial service for her. Please keep her family and friends in prayer.


The memorial service for Sandi Geleynse, our Friendship student, will be held in our church on April 11 at 3pm. The teachers are being asked to bring a plate of cookies for after the service.

Join us this Friday evening at 7pm for the Good Friday service.

Our Easter sermon next Sunday will be “The Cross and Resurrection” based on Mark 15:33-39, 16:1-6. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.

An annual traditional Whatcom County Easter Sunrise Service now in its third decade will be held on Resurrection Sunday, April 16. Dan and Emily Gibson host this worship service on their farm’s hill at 1613 Central Road, between Hannegan and Noon roads. Arrive by 7 a.m. for 30 minutes of Scripture readings and hymn singing followed by hot chocolate, coffee, and warm cinnamon rolls, with enough time to get to your church worship services. Dress warm and wear sturdy shoes. More information is at https://briarcroft.wordpress.com/annual-easter-sunrise-service/.

Help us decorate the portable cross on Easter morning! Bring your favorite flowers to place on the cross as we celebrate Easter! Plan to take some family pictures by the cross after the service.

We will not be having Sunday school next Sunday, Easter morning.

Building and Maintenance Team has scheduled our annual campus cleanup for May 13. Breakfast will be served from 8-9 am with the work to begin around 9. If the weather is against us that morning, we will reschedule for the following Saturday, May 20.

Servants Next Sunday, April 16: Greeters: Mike and Jenn Boer; Snacks: Ali Laninga and Tanya Obbink; Serving Assistants: Thad, Michal, Faith; Ushers: Len Vander Woude and Helen Bowman; Prayer Room: Lorraine Brouwer; Sunday school: None; Children and Worship:  None.

The Deacons are accepting donations for the “home mission” remodel of the Administration Building. The Deacons request that you designate on your check that your donation is for a specific fund. Today’s offering will be taken for the general fund. Next week’s offering will be taken for the Outreach Fund.

Jen Roberts is collecting good items for a garage sale to be held in our sanctuary on June 2-3 to help raise money for their adoption of a little boy from China. You may bring your clean saleable items now and store them in the C portable.

The Dunamis Project is being held this year April 20-22 at Birchwood Presbyterian Church. For more information pick up a flyer from the information stand in the foyer.

The Board of Northwest Hispanic Ministry invites you to a free dinner and a time to rejoice as Joe Strong shares how God is changing lives and building His kingdom here in Western Washington. The banquet locations and times are Friday, April 28th at 6:00 p.m. First Christian Reformed Church, 701 W. Blackburn Rd., Mt. Vernon and Saturday, April 29th at 5:30 p.m. at Third Christian Reformed Church in Lynden.

Plan to join your church family and the community for the Kings Men of Song concert being held in our sanctuary on April 30th. Doors open at 6:30pm with dessert and coffee, the concert to begin at 7pm. A free will offering will be taken on behalf of the Lighthouse Mission.

Do you know someone looking for a part-time job that would be interested in applying for the Administrative Assistant position in our church’s office? Information regarding the position is available from the church’s web site.

Interfaith Coalition thanks Hope in Christ congregation for your generosity to our 2017 Hope Auction. In addition to what those of you in attendance contributed through ticket or auction item purchase, your faithful response through your congregation gift of a wine and cheese basket raised a generous amount and helped to raise a record total auction amount of over $193,000!  Know that every day families and individuals in Whatcom County are lifted up and experience hope because of you. Thank you!


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