“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place” (Acts 2:1, NRSV). As we celebrate the Church’s birthday, we pray that the Holy Spirit may empower us and unify us so that we are truly “one in Christ.” Welcome, friends! We rejoice in your presence.
Message: Raising the Dead
Scripture: 1Kings 17:17-24
Offering: General Fund
Prayer Requests:
This week we are asked to pray for Bud and Lorraine Brouwer, Marlene Butenschoen, Mike and Diane Button, Mike and Geralyn Cunningham and their children, Sissy Davis, Chuck Dean. Suggestions for prayers would be for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Dear Congregation, please pray for us, your Strategic Planning Team as we prepare our hearts and minds for a training and planning retreat June 2 & 3 on our campus. Please pray for God’s wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Give thanks for knowledgeable and willing facilitators; Phil Assink and Brian Turnbull.
Next Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. Everyone is encouraged to prepare their heart for the message. The monthly sermon topics with scripture are listed each month in the Heartbeat.
Schedule change: The Boer Bible study group is meeting the first and third Tuesday in June (instead of 2nd and 4th)
The offering this morning is for the General Fund. Please designate on the memo of your check if it is for this fund. All loose money will be placed in this fund.
Jen Roberts is having a garage sale at our church on June 2-3 to raise money for the adoption of a boy from China and she would love your good used stuff. Jen would also appreciate help on May 31 and June 1 as they move items from the portable and price them. Help is needed during the garage sale, cleanup afterwards and then help setting up the sanctuary. Donations of homemade baked goods would be appreciated. There will also be hotdogs for sale on Friday and Saturday. Please bring donated items to the sanctuary on Wednesday the 31st after 2pm or Thursday the 1st any time.
Volunteers are needed to organize and run the church bazaar, which usually is held the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in November. Please let Terry Vander Woude know if you are interested in helping to organize this event.
The June issue of the Heartbeat newsletter is available in print or on the church website.
Although Terry Vander Woude is retiring from the church office, she will still be available to notarize documents when needed.
Servants Next Sunday, June 4: Greeters: Jerry and Faye Hop; Snacks: Megan Speyer and Christine Speyer; Serving Assistants: Abee, Chantel and Caleb; Ushers: Lou Kooistra and Ken Wick; Prayer Room: Jay Kaemingk.
Do you desire Safe Places for Women and Children? On a table in the foyer is a petition, I-1552, which concerns gender-segregated facilities and civil liability. This measure would override state/local protections against gender-identity discrimination in certain public-accommodation facilities, require that public schools restrict access to some facilities based on sex at birth, and allow related lawsuits against schools. More information regarding this petition is available on the table with the petition or you can read more at www.justwantprivacy.org
Save the Date! Come join Don and Darlys Recker for a 50th Anniversary celebration on Saturday, June 10 @ 6 P.M. Potluck dinner & some fun games including the Newly Wed Game and BUNKO.
Next Sunday evening at 6:00pm we will have our next Talking About God (TAG) gathering in the sanctuary. Plan to join the church family for this fun and lively conversation.
Internationally renowned recording artist and concert pianist Jerry Nelson will be in concert at Faith Community Church on Saturday, June 3, at 6 p.m. Nelson has captivated audiences with his talented abilities both vocally and at the piano and is passionate about sharing his love for Christ. Backed by a breathtaking multimedia presentation, this will be an unforgettable evening of worship and praise for all ages. The King’s Men of Song male chorus from Lynden also will bless with songs of testimony and praise. Admission is free, with a freewill offering taken for Jerry Nelson Ministries. The church is located at 586 Birch Bay-Lynden Road, Lynden. Doors open at 5 p.m. Refreshments will be served after the concert. For more information, please call Mary Ann at 354-4815.
Alice Brakke would like to remind the church family that she is available as our parish nurse to help with medical questions, needs, doctor’s appointments, etc. Please call her if you would like her assistance.
If you enjoy sacred choral music, you may want to consider coming to the next Whatcom Chorale Concert. The Chorale will be performing Brahms’ Requiem on Sunday, June 4, at 3:00 pm at Bellingham High School. Don Recker and Ali Laninga both sing in the Chorale and will have information regarding tickets