Welcome worshipers! We are glad that you have come to learn of God and God’s Word. May every blessing be yours as we gather before our heavenly Father.
Guest Pastor: Mitchell Senti
Order of Worship
Opening Song: Ten Thousand Reasons
Call to Worship: Psalm 103, Read Responsively
Songs of Praise:Everlasting God; Mighty to Save; Good, Good Father; His Forever
Offering: Kingdom Advancement Fund (General Fund)
Offering Song: Compassionate God
Scripture: Zephaniah 3:11-20
Message: Intimacy
Song of Response: Only Be Still
Closing Song: Garments of Praise
The offering this morning is for the General Fund. Please designate on the memo line of your check whether it is for this fund, or a different one. Cash offerings will be deposited into the General Fund.
Next Week:
Pastor Scott will be continuing his sermon series from 1Kings. The message will be “Spurring One Another On” from 1 Kings 18:1-16.
Greeters: Lanny and Christine Speyer
Snacks: Barb Zylstra and Jenn Boer
Serving Assistants: Michal, Amariah and Grace
Ushers: Bud Brouwer and Joe Pruitt
Prayer Room: Chuck Dean
Each week we pray for members of our church family. This week please pray for:
Jerry & Faye Hop, Mark Ireland, Junior Johnson, Victor Johnson, Jay & Avis Kaemingk, Marilyn Kaiser
Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.
Remember Deloris Perry and her family as they mourn the loss of her husband Dale. Dale and Deloris were married for 46 years and have three children and nine grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at Hope in Christ Church on June 25th at 3pm.
Praise Report from the Buttons: “The pain from the blood clots has subsided quite a bit, so Mike is more mobile. Also, pain from the surgery is considerably less, which is helping with his being able to move around more. Please continue to pray for strength and increasing energy, and for a complete recovery. Thank you to all our church family for your prayers throughout this time of surgery and recovery. It means so much to us. And thanks to those that visited us in the hospital and at home. We love our church family! Diane and Mike
Pray for persecuted churches worldwide. From “Open Doors,” we are asked to pray today for Sri Lanka’s newly established church that was destroyed by twelve Buddhist attackers. For more information, see hopeinchristchurch.org under Pastor—Prayer.
Transportation Request – Would you be able to help Ginny Figenbaum to come to church? She has moved to Silverado on the corner of Columbine and Cordata. If you could help, please call the church office.
Love INC is looking for volunteers! Hope in Christ Church supports and values the ministry of Love INC. If you would be interested in helping, please come to a training session on Thurs., June 22nd from 12:30-2:00pm at Bellingham Covenant Church. Please RSVP by Monday the 19th to melissa@whatcomloveinc.org. This is a brown bag lunch meeting with dessert provided. Hope to see you there!
Project Homeless Connect is a one-day, one-stop access to significant human services for people living with homelessness in Whatcom County. The deacons encourage your participation by donating tarps to be distributed at this year’s event. A variety of sizes can be found at most big box, home improvement, and sporting goods stores. Harbor Freight in Sunset Square occasionally will even offer a coupon for a free tarp in their flyer. Please bring tarps to deposit in the designated box in the foyer by Sunday, July 16.
From The Lighthouse Mission: The Mission is committed to breaking the cycle of homelessness in the lives of Whatcom county residents through hot meals, safe shelter, and one-on-one case management. The Good Neighbor Project is a way we’re giving back to the community that hosts our guests. It’s a fun, family-friendly service opportunity! Join Mission guests and help us pick up litter as a tangible way to bless our neighbors. If you are interested in participating in the project on a regular basis or one time with a group, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Katie, at katiea@thelighthousemission.org or 360-733-5120 ext. 107.
The Deacons wish to remind the church family that they are still accepting donations for our two mission events this summer: the home mission to remodel the Administration Building and the summer mission trip. When donating to either fund, please designate which mission trip it is for on the memo line of your check.
Register, Pray for Inspire 2017: Join speakers Ann Voskamp and Richard Mouw, and men and women of all ages from more than 1,000 CRC congregations for an unforgettable time in Detroit from Aug. 3 to 5. You will be fed through great worship, challenged by keynote speakers, equipped through workshops, and connected to others — like you — who are inspired to serve God in their local church. Register at crcna.org/Inspire2017.