Bulletin – Week of July 2, 2017

Bulletin – Week of July 2, 2017

We are very glad for the presence of all visitors. Please know that we are pleased to have you worshiping with us. We encourage you to introduce yourself to others, and participate in our time of fellowship.

Message:   Reclaiming Hearts

Scripture:  1Kings 18: 17-40

Offering:  General Fund

Order of Worship

Opening Song:   Come All You People

Call to Worship:  Psalm 139

Songs of Praise:  Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing;  You Alone Can Rescue;  O Great God

Offering:   Kingdom Advancement Fund (General Fund)

Offering Song:   His Forever


Scripture:  1 Kings 18: 17-40

Message:  Reclaiming Lost Hearts

Communion:   Wonderful Merciful Savior;  Amazing Grace

Closing:   I Will Sing of my Redeemer

The Lord’s Supper, which we celebrate today, is a way for the Christian to remember the sacrifice of Christ. If you have not yet believed in Christ as Savior, we invite you to watch and learn. We are glad you are here! If you have questions about Jesus, please see Pastor Scott after the worship service. The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. However, it may contain egg.

The offering this morning is for the General Fund. Please designate on the memo line of your check whether it is for this fund, or a different one. Cash offerings will be deposited into the General Fund.


Pastor Scott will be continuing his sermon series from 1Kings.

The message will be “Fervent Prayer” from 1 Kings 18:41-16.

Greeters: Joe and Barb Zylstra

Snacks: Melissa Koning & Denise Doezema

Serving Assistants: Amber, Abee and Kylie

Ushers: Helen Bowman & Bud Brouwer

Prayer Room: Ida Richards


Each week we pray for members of our church family. This week please pray for:

Linda McConnaughey

Don Noklebt

Lisa Oppenhuizen

Lou & Evelyn Kooistra

Herm & Ali Laninga

Carmen Larsen

Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them.

Remember Joe Pruitt who is in Wisconsin for Joe’s father’s funeral.

Pray for persecuted churches worldwide. From “Open Doors,” we are asked to pray today for:  the country of Jordan—for Christians being wiretapped to exercise discretion in their communications and for Muslim background believers (MBBs) who are pressured to return to Islam. For more information, see opendoorsusa.org


I want to thank all who donated your time, flowers, money or food for Dale’s memorial service. I cannot express in words what it means to me to know how you thought and cared for Dale. Thank you to the house church who gave us a stepping stone for the garden; it will live on forever.  Also thank you to the Wednesday morning bible class who gave flowers and did all the food preparation for the memorial. Dale was the love of my life and I know he would have loved you for all your thoughtfulness.  Love you all!  In Christ’s name, Deloris


Congratulations to Kyle Sentkowski, who graduated from Blaine High School on June 16.  Kyle hopes to play football in college and was honored at the national level a few months ago for being a ‘kicker.’ Kyle frequently is a drummer for our praise team.  Please join us after the service for cake and fellowship as we celebrate! We wish the best for you, Kyle, in your future endeavors.


Project Homeless Connect is a one-day, one-stop access to significant human services for people living with homelessness in Whatcom County.  The deacons encourage your participation by donating tarps to be distributed at this year’s event.  A variety of sizes can be found at most big box, home improvement, and sporting goods stores.  Harbor Freight in Sunset Square occasionally will even offer a coupon for a free tarp in their flyer.  Please bring tarps to deposit in the designated box in the foyer by Sunday, July 16.


Calling all campers! Several church families are camping in Birch Bay July 13-16 and at Deception Pass from Aug 10-13. For both weekends, we are in the vicinity of campsite #150. Book your own campsite and stay overnight. If overnight doesn’t work, consider coming for a day trip.  Contact Jennifer Boer if interested.

A CPR/First Aid class is being offered on July 29th from 10am-12:30pm in the Hope in Christ Church sanctuary.  If you would like to take the class and do not need certification, the class is free.  If you would like to be CPR certified, the fee is $20.  If you would like to be First Aid certified, the fee is $10. Class space is limited, so if you would to attend, please call Alice Brakke at 360-671-2155 ASAP to reserve your place.

The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. By “healthy” we mean pursuing Christ. By “missional” we mean pursuing Christ’s priorities in the world.  From vitalitypathway.org

This week’s Missional Marker is: Life transforming walk with Jesus (John 3:3, 30; Phil. 1:6)

We teach our people how to be attentive to Christ in all circumstances.

Our people understand the radical nature of the message and mission of Jesus that continually deconstructs and reconstructs a person’s life.

Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to use a variety of spiritual growth resources, experiences, and settings.


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