Bulletin – Week of July 16, 2017

Bulletin – Week of July 16, 2017

We extend a cordial welcome to all who have come to worship today. We are especially glad to offer our hands in friendship to those worshiping with us for the first time.


Order of Worship

Opening Song: All Creatures of Our God and King

Call to Worship: Psalm 100

Songs of Praise:

Your Spirit O Lord, Makes Life to Abound

The First Place


Responsive Reading: Heidelberg Catechism, Q &A 27 & 28

Song of Response: Beautiful Savior

Offering: Outreach Fund

Offering Song: Let All Things Now Living


Scripture: Psalm 104: 24-33

Message: I Believe God Has Created Me and All That Exists.

Song of Response: Children of the Heavenly Father

Closing Song: Trees of the Field


The offering this morning is for the Outreach Fund. Please designate on the memo line of your check whether it is for this fund, or a different one. Cash offerings will be deposited into the Outreach Fund.


Pastor Scott will be continuing the series from 1 Kings.  The sermon is titled “Crazy Thoughts” and is from 1 Kings 19:1-18.

Greeters: David & Ida Richards, Junior Johnson

Snacks: Avis Kaemingk, Marilyn Kaiser

Serving Assistants: Mattea, Zeke, Chantel

Ushers: Joe Pruitt, Don Knutson

Prayer Room: Christine Speyer


Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday life, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:

  • David & Ida Richards
  • Pastor Scott & Jen Roberts and their children:
  • Ellie, Morgan, Bekah, Zeke, Caleb, Grace and Faith

Pray for persecuted churches worldwide. From “Open Doors,” we are asked to pray today for:  the country of TAJIKISTAN Pray for a church under investigation for having children and teenagers in their service. Pray also for TUNISIA, for Christian youth there who are opposed and persecuted for rejecting Islam. For more information, see opendoorsusa.org.


The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is:

Transforming communities through active compassion, mercy and justice ministries. (Micah 6:8)

  • We are burdened for the hurting people in our community and beyond.
  • We have identifiable pathways for compassion, mercy and justice ministries to take place.
  • Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to see and address the hurts and the causes of hurt in our community and beyond.


The Home mission / Office remodel date has been set for the week of July 31.  We would love volunteers to help with the demo, construction, painting, moving etc. as a home mission project.  More information about the plan and a signup sheet is available in the foyer.   Deacons will be still collecting donations towards our goal of $5000.00 for the project.


A CPR/First Aid class is being offered on July 29th from 10am-12:30pm in the Hope in Christ Church sanctuary.  If you would like to take the class and do not need certification, the class is free.  If you would like to be CPR certified, the fee is $20.  If you would like to be First Aid certified, the fee is $10. Class space is limited, so if you would to attend, please call Alice Brakke  ASAP to reserve your place.

Mark your calendars!  Come join us in celebrating the Reckers’ 50th anniversary on Sunday, August 27th.  We will have a potluck lunch followed by games, fellowship, cake and ice cream….and brownies, of course!

You are all invited to the performance of ANNIE put on by Creative At Youth Theater at our church on Thursday and Friday, July 20 and 21 at 7 p.m., and Saturday, July 22 at 1 p.m.   Tickets are at the door.   $6.00 adults and $4.00 children.  You will receive $1.00 off each admission if you present this church bulletin at the ticket counter. (No children under 6 are admitted except for Saturday’s performance which is open to 4 and above, if you know a member of the cast.)

Kids’ Craft Camp is coming!  Mark your calendars for Monday and Tuesday, August 7 and 8. More details will be coming. Please call Darlys Recker  if you would like to help.

A ladies get-away weekend is being planned for September 8-10 on Whidbey Island. We will be leaving around noon on Friday and back mid-afternoon on Sunday. Send an email to Terry Vander Woude at lt.vw@comcast.net to reserve one of the sixteen spots. Terry will reserve a house and provide further information once she knows how many will be joining her for a weekend of fun, laughter and relaxation. (This is not a retreat.)

Wednesday morning Bible Study gals are invited to Ruth Stadt’s home for a potluck luncheon on Wednesday, July 19 @ 12:30 PM.  Anyone who is interested in coming to Bible Study this year is invited!  We will be studying I Corinthians for 12 weeks, followed by II Corinthians. The John MacArthur study books will need to be ordered.  Please confirm by calling Ruth.

Ladies, save the date – September 30, 2017. All ages are invited to a Harvest Tea.  More information will be coming.


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