Order of Worship
Opening Song- Open the Eyes of my Heart, Lord
Call to Worship
Songs- Jesus Messiah; Holy Spirit, You are Welcome Here
Litany of Confession- Psalm 51
Songs- Create in Me a Clean Heart; Ancient Words
Offering- General (Kingdom Advancement) Fund
Offering Song- Speak O Lord
Scripture- 2 Corinthians 2:14-3:18
Message- Guest Pastor Nathaniel Thompson
Song of Response- Freely, Freely
Closing Song- Let Your Kingdom Come
The offering this morning is for the Kingdom Advancement Fund. Please designate on the memo line of your check whether it is for this fund, or a different one. Cash offerings will be deposited into the Kingdom Advancement/General Fund.
Pastor Scott’s sermon will be “When We Encounter Jesus,” from 1 John.
Greeters: David & Ida
Cookies: Joanne, Jolene
Serving Assistants: Amber, Faith, Grace
Ushers: Don K, Ken
Prayer Room: Lorraine
Children & Worship: Bekah, Ali
Children’s Sunday School: Melissa, Jenn
Adult Sunday School: Pastor Scott
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled
decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church.
This week’s Missional Marker is: Life Transforming Walk With Jesus
(John 3:3, 30; Philippians. 1:6)
- We teach our people how to be attentive to Christ in all circumstances.
- Our people understand the radical nature of the message and mission of Jesus that continually deconstructs and reconstructs a person’s life.
- Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to use a variety of spiritual growth resources, experiences, and settings.
GEMS Counselors Meeting: Anyone who is interested in helping with GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior), either part-time or full-time, please attend a meeting on Monday (tomorrow) at 7:00pm upstairs in the administration building. Please call Darlys with any questions about leading or attending GEMS.
Ladies of All Ages: Please plan to attend a tea for all the girls, from the youngest to the oldest, on Saturday, September 30th at 1:30 pm in the worship center.
Attention Team Leaders! The deacons need budget requests from team leaders by September 30th. Please email them to Dan..
Interfaith Coalition Annual Hope Meeting and Celebration: Join Interfaith Coalition for a meaningful evening of fellowship, inspiration and opportunity. Hear from volunteers and families who share stories of compassion and hope. Learn how you can help us serve additional homeless families through a new program, Family Promise. Be part of an active and caring community of individuals and congregations dedicated to our neighbors in need. We’ll have refreshments and appreciation for being our partners in change- Tuesday, October 17 at 7pm, Trinity Lutheran Church Grace Center.
Providing Warmth to Neighbors in Need: Interfaith Coalition’s annual Winter Warmth drive provides warm outerwear for everyone from babies to seniors. Please bring clean, gently used or new winter coats and jackets, gloves, scarves and hats to worship services through October 15. Interfaith will distribute these to people in four locations across Whatcom County. If you are a knitter, handmade hats and scarves are also cherished. For many of our neighbors, this program means they won’t need to spend limited income on a winter coat, or do without. Thank you for sharing the warmth!
Urgent Need for Hurricane Harvey Recovery: After a week of unrelenting rain, World Renew Disaster Response Services is preparing to respond to catastrophic flooding in Texas from Hurricane Harvey. You can help homeowners who are struggling to return home, now and in the weeks and years to come, with your financial donation for World Renew DRS Hurricane Harvey response. Please give generously today online at worldrenew.net/donate, call 800-552-7972, or mail your check, designated Hurricane Harvey 2017, to World Renew, 1700 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508.