October 8, 2017
We are glad you are here today!
Our mission of Hope in Christ Church is to glorify God by knowing, living, and proclaiming our hope in Christ.
Message: Love Revolution
Scripture: 1 John 4:7-19
Order of Worship
Opening Song Forever
Call to Worship Psalm 100
Songs How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
At the Cross
Litany Selected verses from Exodus 11, Joshua 22, Nehemiah 9, Hebrews 10, Matthew 22, Romans 8
Songs O the Deep, Deep Love
I Love You Lord
Offering Kingdom Advancement (General) Fund
Offering Song Who is There Like You?
Congregational Prayer
Scripture 1 John 4:7-19
Message Love Revolution
Song of Response God of Angel Armies
Closing Song Blest Be the Tie that Binds
The offering this morning is for the General Fund. Please designate on the memo line of your check whether it is for this fund, or a different one. Cash offerings will be deposited into the General Fund.
Guest Speaker: Tass Saada during worship and Sunday school
Greeters: Mike & Jenn
Serving Assistants: Chantel, Maggie, Michal
Ushers: Don K, Ken W
Prayer Room: Del B
Children & Worship: Jen R, Ali
Children’s Sunday School: Diane B, Jenn B
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is: Global Perspective and Engagement (Acts 1:8).
- We raise the sights of our members beyond our congregation and community by developing a Biblical worldview and often pray for and reference global matters.
- We have identifiable pathways to support the cause of Christ globally.
- Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to participate in the global dimensions of our ministry.
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
-Jerry & Faye H, Mark I, Junior J, Victor J, Jay & Avis K, Marilyn K
Wonder Class: Luke 2:8-12
Marvel Class: Psalm 23:1-5b
Dive Class: Isaiah 53:2b-6a
Tass Saada, a former assassin for Yassir Afafat and persecutor of Jews and Christians will be our guest speaker next Sunday, October 15th. He will speak during the 9:30 worship service, and during the 11:00 Sunday school hour. Many are expected to attend, so we are asking our church family to bring 3 dozen cookies for us to offer to our visitors. Thank you in advance for your help!
From Matt Smith at P92: A special guest will be visiting on Sunday, October 22nd to share during the morning service, and then in a more in-depth manner during the adult Sunday school hour. He is the leader of a ministry in India of which about 200 workers (some supported by Hope in Christ Church) are a part.
Congregational Meetings: Mark your calendars for two upcoming meetings. There will be a congregational pre-budget meeting on October 18 at 7:00 pm in the worship center foyer. Please come to hear about the budget and offer feedback. There will also be a congregational meeting on November 19th after the worship service.
Providing Warmth to Neighbors in Need: Interfaith Coalition’s annual Winter Warmth drive provides warm outerwear for all ages. Please bring clean, gently used or new winter coats and jackets, gloves, scarves and hats through October 15. There is a box in the foyer for your donations. You are invited: Join Interfaith Coalition for a meaningful evening of fellowship, inspiration and opportunity. Hear from volunteers and families who share stories of compassion and hope on Oct. 17, 7pm at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Lighthouse Mission’s Annual Thanksgiving-on-Friday Dinner for the Homeless: Want to have fun with other Hope in Christ-ers being Good Samaritans this Thanksgiving? If you’re interested in joining the Hope in Christ team serving at the Lighthouse Mission’s Annual Thanksgiving-on-Friday Dinner for the Homeless, please contact Scott Emory today. We’ll be signing up the team online on Monday the 9th. The dinner will be held at Assumption Church on Friday, November 24th. We’ll know the exact times in a couple weeks, but typically we arrive mid/late-morning and serve till early-afternoon.
Coming Soon: THE STORY, a Hope in Christ Church Bible study, beginning in January 2018!