Bulletin – Week of December 3, 2017

Bulletin – Week of December 3, 2017


December 3, 2017

Order of Worship

Even So Come


Advent Reading and Candle Lighting

Oh Come Oh Come Emanuel

Call to Worship: Psalm 24 and Psalm 51

Be Thou My Vision

Oh Great God

Speak Oh Lord

Offering:  General Fund

Christ Your Love is Overwhelming


Scripture:  2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Message:  What’s New With You?


In Christ Alone

Jesus Messiah

New Doxology


The Lord’s Supper, which we celebrate today, is a way for the Christian to remember the sacrifice of Christ. If you have not yet believed in Christ as Savior, we invite you to watch and learn. We are glad you are here! If you have questions about Jesus, please see Pastor VanderGriend after the worship service. The bread we use is allergen free and contains no wheat, dairy, nuts or soy. However, it may contain egg.



Guest Pastor: Ken Koeman

Greeters:  Deloris, Denise

Cookies:  Marilyn r, Connie

Serving Assistants:  Michal, Chantel, Kylie

Ushers:  Len , Lou

Prayer Room: Chuck

Children & Worship: Diane, Ali

Children’s Sunday School: Barb, Darlys


Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:

-Don & Tena V    -Ken & Elaine W     -Joe & Barb -Bruce & Nancy C     – Doug & Winnie K

Help Seafarers Reach Out:  There are several ways you can help the local Seafarers ministry reach out with the Gospel to sailors in local ports. They are in need of good and Christian magazines, DVDs, jackets and hats. Items can be brought to the Project Hope building on BC Avenue in Lynden. If you are interested, the Seafarers always are looking for ship visitors. Please pray for their ministry. Call Port Chaplain John Van Hemert at (206) 778-1523 for more information.

Serve and Pray for Those With Disabilities: Cascade Connections is seeking caring and compassionate people to help support and serve individuals with disabilities. Cascade Christian Home in Lynden needs part-time staff for assisting clients with all activities of daily living including cooking, cleaning, bathing and going on supported trips in the community. Staff will provide all the necessary training to those who are willing to serve. If you have a heart for this type of ministry or for more info, please call a manager at (360) 398-2052 or e-mail wbranch@ccsite.org.


Wonder Class:  Psalm 23:1-3, NIV

Marvel Class:  Matthew 28:18-20, NIV

Dive Class:  Isaiah 53:2-6, NIV


Israel & Jordan Study Tour: Visit New Testament sites in Israel (Bethlehem, Nazareth, Caesarea, Capernaum, Bethsaida, Sea of Galilee, Caesarea Philippi, and Jerusalem), and Jordan, including the amazing city of Petra, on May 17-29. Contact host Jeff Weima, professor of New Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary and leading biblical scholar, at weimje@calvinseminary.edu or (616) 328-3110.

New Members Class: If you are interested in learning about what it means to be a member of Hope In Christ Church, please come on Sunday, December 17th at 3:30 to meet with Pastor Scott. Anyone who would like to join, or is even just thinking about it, is welcome to come to listen and ask questions. Please call the church office so we can prepare materials for you: 360-733-6177.

GEMS are still taking orders for butter braids, puff pastries, cookies and pizza to raise money for the Spring GEMS camp at Lake Retreat, Ravensdale, WA.  Monday 12/4/17 is the last day to order. Delivery is Monday 12/18/17, This morning there are samples of the butter braids and cookies on the snack tables.  If you have any questions, contact Darlys.

Deloris has received a Zaycon delivery.  If you are on the distribution list, please see her today.


The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled

decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church.

This week’s Missional Marker is:

Transforming communities through active compassion, mercy and justice ministries  (Micah 6:8)

  • We are burdened for the hurting people in our community and beyond.
  • We have identifiable pathways for compassion, mercy and justice ministries to take place.
  • Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to see and address the hurts and the causes of hurt in our community and beyond.

The December HEARTBEAT newsletter is available online at hopeinchristchurch.org. Printed copies are available in the foyer.

Hope in Christ Church Kids’ Christmas Craft Day: Saturday, December 16, 11:30 AM – 5 PM. Opportunity to create Christmas decor, ornaments, cards, while parents have time to shop, wrap gifts, or participate crafting with their child. Ages 6-96. Registration is free -space is limited. If you have questions, contact  Darlys Recker.

Friendship Class Christmas Program: Come join the Friendship class as they celebrate Jesus’ birth with a  program entitled “Stories of the Savior” on Monday, December 11 at 7pm.

Children’s Christmas Program: The Hope in Christ Church Children’s Christmas Program, “Emmanuel—God with Us” will be held on December 17th. Dress rehearsal will be Saturday, December 16th from 10:00-11:30.

Family Christmas Baskets: Len and Terry will once again be collecting for Christmas baskets for families who rely on the food bank in the Van Zandt area of Whatcom County. If you would like to donate a small turkey, a whole chicken or any food items for the baskets, please contact the Vander Woudes. Donations are needed prior to December 21.

Christmas Choir Cantata: Worship God and celebrate Christ’s birth at the eighth annual Lynden Christmas Church Cantata today, Dec. 3, at 4 and 6 p.m. at Third CRC. Mark Hayes’ “Come to the Manger” will be performed by adult and children’s choirs from several Whatcom County churches with full orchestra. The offering will be for the Lighthouse Mission. For more information, contact the worship director at worship@third-church.org.

Homes for the Holidays Tour:  The 19th annual Homes for the Holidays tour will be held Saturday, Dec. 9, from 1 to 5 p.m. to support Bethany Christian Services. The Lynden homes on tour belong to Darryl and Louise Ehler, Tim and Kristie Mark, and Colby and Terell Weg. Tickets are $20 and are available at the homes on the day of the tour, and in advance in Lynden at Grandiflora and the Picket Fence, and at the Bethany office, 1031 N. State St. #108, Bellingham. For more information, call (360) 733-6042 or visit bethany.org/bellingham/events.

LC Choirs to Present Christmas Concert: The Lynden Christian High School and Middle School choirs will present their Christmas concert, “Celebrating Traditions,” on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 7:30 p.m. in the high school’s Worship and Fine Arts Center. Share in a festive evening of traditional and some not-so-traditional Christmas music presented by the hard-working choral students. Admission is free and there will be a free-will offering to support the choral program and specifically the Concert Choir on its tour next spring.


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