Glorifying God by Knowing, Living and Proclaiming our Hope in Christ
February 25, 2018
Order of Worship
Call to Worship: Isaiah 43:19-21
Who Paints the Skies?
Welcome & Greeting
Compassionate God
Lord I Need You
Your Grace is Enough
Responsive Reading: Litany of Confession
Refiner’s Fire
Offering: Kingdom Advancement Fund
As the Deer
Pastor Scott’s Message: Judges 2
Christ is Enough
Blessed Be Your Name
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
- Dan & Tanya: Amber, Chantel, Micah
- Don N
- Mona
- David & Ida
- Don & Darlys
From CRC (Back to God Ministries) Indonesia—Continue to pray that God will lead us to find a new ministry leader for BTGMI outreach in Indonesia. Thank God for the very capable leadership of Mrs. Hetty Johan as the current ministry leader, and pray for a smooth transition to new leadership soon.
From CRC (World Renew) Nigeria—Throughout the past decade, Christian and Muslim conflict has produced terrorism and anger in Nigeria. Ongoing conflict has put a freeze on community development. In September, Christian and Muslim leaders participated in a successful peacebuilding consultation in Makurdi. The consultation aims to restore peace in one of many Nigerian communities facing conflict. Please ask God to continue to bring peace and restoration in Nigeria.
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision
to move forward and become a healthy missional church.
This week’s missional marker is:
Compelling Christian Community (Acts 2:42-47)
- We understand that our love for one another is a powerful testimony to the deity of Jesus.
- We love each other as we are, not as we should be.
- We share life together beyond the worship service.
From Doug and Jan: Thank you for your prayers, cards, emails and phone calls following Doug’s surgery. We were blessed by each one of them. You are a wonderful church family and we thank God for you.
The Story Cards for Children: Children are invited to take a story card home with them today. The cards correspond to the chapter of The Story that we are covering each week. This Sunday, the card has an illustration of Samson on the front, and Judges 16:28 on the back. Look for a basket with the cards at the back of the sanctuary every Sunday.
March Heartbeat Newsletter: The March edition of The Heartbeat is available online at Printed copies are available in the foyer.
Greeters: Del & Pat
Cookies: Alice B, Tricia B
Serving Assistants: Brenna, Amber, Clara
Ushers: Don K, Len V
Prayer Room: Herm
Children & Worship: Marjie, Mairi
Children’s Sunday School: Diane, Darlys
8:15am Prayer upstairs, all are welcome
9:30am Worship Service
11:00am Sunday School
4:30pm Roberts Group
MONDAY (Office Closed)
7:00pm Friendship Class
TUESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
6:30pm Boer’s Group
WEDNESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
9:45am Women’s Bible Study
10:00am Men’s Fellowship – Over Easy Restaurant
11:00am Recker Cleaning Crew
THURSDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
6:30am Men’s Support Group
1:00pm Bulletin Deadline
7:00pm Praise Team Practice
7:00pm Men’s Bible Study
FRIDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
SATURDAY (Office Closed)