Welcome to Hope in Christ Church. We are so glad you have joined us today!
After the service, we invite you to stay for some coffee and join our education class at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary, and one of our small group meetings during the week.
Order of Worship
Prelude: Little Child
Prayer & Greeting
Spirit of the Living God
Call to Worship: Ephesians 1:17-20
I Sought the Lord
There is a Redeemer
O Lord, You’re Beautiful
Heart of Worship
Offering: Kingdom Advancement Fund
Reflection on The Story: Amber Obbink
Scripture: Amos 2, 9
Message: Amos and Civil Justice
Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble?
Amazing Grace
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This Week’s Marker:
Transforming communities through active compassion, mercy and justice ministries (Micah 6:8)
- We are burdened for the hurting people in our community and beyond.
- We have identifiable pathways for compassion, mercy and justice ministries to take place.
- Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to see and address the hurts and the causes of hurt in our community and beyond.
Church Family Potluck: Plan to join the church family next Sunday, April 29 for a potluck lunch following Sunday school. Families whose last name begins with the letter A-P are asked to bring a salad, and those from S-Z are asked to bring a dessert. Hospitality will be serving shredded pork sandwiches. You are welcome to bring your own plate and silverware.
What is Council?: During next Sunday’s potluck time, we will be discussing the roles of our Council members, and thinking about the ways in which Council serves our church. If you would like to take home a paper with the questions we will be asking and the descriptions of the elder and deacon positions, please look for the salmon-colored papers in the foyer.
Thank You from GEMS: The GEMS girls and counselors would like to thank everyone who participated in the Baked Potato Dinner and Bunco Night. We are blessed and appreciate your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial support. The dinner raised $517. So with the Butter Braid fundraiser, we now have the funds to send 9 girls to GEMS’ Camp in June. We currently have 9 girls and two counselors planning to attend camp. We are praising God and thanking Him for His continued blessings!
Garage Sale for Adoption Fund: A friend of the Roberts is adopting two girls. A garage sale will be held at church on May 18 & 19 from 8am-2pm with the proceeds going towards the adoption. Donations of new or gently used items are being accepted and will be stored in the portable.
Father/Son Hike: Fathers of sons, if you and yours would like to join Brian and Scott Emory on a fathers-and-sons, overnight, two-day, backpacking hike in Aug/Sep, please let Scott know your availability. Honorary uncles are welcome too. The dates we’re considering are all Fridays & Saturdays: Aug 17 & 18, Aug 31 & Sep 1 (Labor Day weekend), and Sep 14 & 15.
- Greeters: Herm & Ali
- Serving Assistants: Kylie, Zeke, Brenna
- Ushers: Helen, Don K
- Prayer Room: Connie K
- Children & Worship: Dan, Amber
- Sunday School: Darlys , Diane
- Cookies: Lisa O, Deloris
- Wonder Class: Matthew 28:5-6
- Marvel Class: Matthew 28:7
- Dive Class: Ephesians 2:8-9