Hope in Christ Church Bulletin May 20, 2018
Order of Worship
Prince of Peace
Responsive Reading: Heidelberg Catechism Q. 27, 28
This Is My Father’s World
O the Deep, Deep Love
‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Offering: G.E.M.S.
Reflection on The Story: Alice Brakke
Scripture: Ezra
Message: Providence, Pagans, and the Worship of God
The First Place
New Doxology
This Week at Hope in Christ Church
8:15 Prayer group upstairs, all are welcome
9:30am Worship Service
11:00am Sunday School
6:30pm Int’l Praise & Prayer Service
MONDAY (Office Closed)
6:00pm G.E.M.S.
TUESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
6:30pm Boer’s Bible Study
WEDNESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
10:00am Men’s Fellowship – Over Easy Restaurant
11:00am Recker Cleaning Crew
THURSDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
6:30am Men’s Support Group
1:00pm Bulletin Deadline
7:00pm Praise Team Practice
FRIDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
SATURDAY (Office Closed)
Welcome to Hope in Christ Church. We are so glad you have joined us today! After the service, we invite you to stay for some coffee and join our education class at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary, and one of our small group meetings during the week.
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church.
This Week’s Missional Marker:
Sacrificial and Generous Living and Giving (Romans 12:1-8)
- We help people discover, develop, and deploy their spiritual gifts.
- We regularly, graciously, and unapologetically teach on the importance of financial stewardship in the spiritual growth of the Christian.
- We have many examples of lifestyle choices being made on the basis of stewardship and the priority God plays in the lives of our members.
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
- Winnie & Doug K
- Lou & Ev K
- Herm & Ali L
- Brian & Melissa K: Abee, Brenna, John, Zachariah
For Whatcom County:
- Pray for God’s encouragement, protection, hope and endurance on non-profit ministries (Engedi, Lighthouse Mission, Rebound, Whatcom Pregnancy Clinic, Love Inc, and others in our county) as they go through spiritual warfare.
- Pray for non-profit leaders, workers, and volunteers to receive insight, growth, and an increased desire for prayer, that they would pray God’s heart and pray transformation within this area of our culture.
- The City of Bellingham has asked churches for help with the homeless. Pray that churches would have wisdom to show care and dignity without enabling.
- Wonder Class: Matthew 28:19-20
- Marvel Class: John 14:1-3
- Dive Class: Ephesians 2:8-9
New Elders and Deacons: The following members are being presented by the council as candidates for Elder: Ida R, Ev K, Herm L; and for Deacon: Barb Z, Tena V, Elaine S, Jan S. Today we will draw lots and the Holy Spirit will select our next Elders and Deacons. We give thanks to Michael Boer and Lou Kooistra for their service as Elders and to Daniel Obbink and Avis Kaemingk for their service as Deacons.
International Pentecost Praise & Prayer Service: Come tonight at 6:30 as we gather for praise and prayer. Recognizing the cultural diversity of Whatcom County, we believe it would be glorifying to God and edifying to the Body to gather for worship and prayer in a service including several languages from our community. What a beautiful picture of Heaven, to gather as one hugely diverse and unified redeemed people, worshipping God and seeking Him in prayer.
Family Promise: Hope in Christ is the support church for First Christian, and we are actively recruiting Family Promise volunteers. Please see the enclosed blue flyer, which has information about sign-up and training. Lorraine B, and Herm & Ali L are available today after the service to answer any questions you have about the program.
Thank You to our Treasurer: Thank you Denise, for your 10 years of service as General Funds treasurer! Your work has been appreciated. Jennifer B has assumed the role, and General Funds related questions and information can be emailed to her at treasurer@hopeinchristchurch.org. In addition, receipts for reimbursement can be emailed or turned into the office.
Father/Son Hike: Fathers of sons, if you and yours would like to join Brian and Scott Emory on a fathers-and-sons, overnight, two-day, backpacking hike in Aug/Sep, please let Scott know your availability. Honorary uncles are welcome too. The dates we’re considering are all Fridays & Saturdays: Aug 17 & 18, Aug 31 & Sep 1 (Labor Day weekend), and Sep 14 & 15.
The Story Cards for Children: Children are invited to take a story card home with them today. The cards correspond to the chapter of The Story that we are covering each week. This Sunday, the card has an illustration of temple builders on the front. Look for a basket with the cards at the back of the sanctuary every Sunday.
Women’s Bible Study Break: The Wednesday morning ladies’ bible study concluded last week, and will resume meeting in the fall.
- Greeters: Barb & Joe Z
- Cookies: Joanne S, Jolene S
- Serving Assistants: Clara, Brenna, Caleb
- Ushers: Len V, Don K
- Prayer Room: Lanny S
- Children & Worship: Diane B
- Children’s Sunday School: Darlys R, Melissa K