Bulletin for June 10, 2018
Order of Worship
Your Grace is Enough
Call to Worship Romans 6:4
I Stand Amazed
Whiter Than Snow
Jesus Paid It All
Litany Psalm 16
His Forever
Offering Kingdom Advancement Fund
Spirit of God, Who Dwells Within My Heart
Message Pastor Geoff Van Dragt
I Know Whom I Have Believed
How Great Thou Art
– NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2018 –
- Greeters: Del & Pat
- Ushers: Barb & Joe Z
- Cookies: Pat B, Tena Vl, Barb Z
- Foyer Monitor: Joe Z
- Serving Assistants: Michal, Mattea, Abee
- Prayer Room: Chuck D
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
- Debra R
- Don & Darlys
- Mona R
- David & Ida
- Doug & Jan
Pray for Whatcom County-
- Churches: Please pray for a mighty anointing on the children’s ministries in our churches and camps this summer (Child Evangelism Fellowship, VBS, the Fir’s programs, Royal Kids, Awanas, and summer mission trips.)
- Government: The City of Bellingham has asked churches for help with the homeless. Pray that churches would have compassion to show care with dignity without enabling.
- Family: Continue to pray for an ending to abortion, and increased desire for adoption among the church, and affordable adoption.
- Education: Please pray that our Christian educators will get the rest they need this summer to be fortified come fall.
- Business: Continue to pray that our Christian businesses will be able to continue to expand and provide living-wage jobs.
- Media: Please pray that god will continue to bless Christian media organizations (radio, TV, and movie production companies) with finances and audience participation.
- Social Services: Pray for God’s encouragement and protection on Christian nonprofits (e.g. Engedi Refuge Ministries, Lighthouse Mission, Rebound, Whatcom Pregnancy Clinic, Love INC, Skookum Kids) as they go through spiritual warfare.
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is: Centrality of the Word of God (2Timothy 3:16)
- We believe that the Bible is the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct.
- Our preaching and teaching in all settings reflects careful preparation, relevance, and creativity.
- Our people are equipped and growing in their ability to study and apply Biblical truth in ways that lead to a scripturally integrated life.
Family Promise: Family Promise Volunteer Training is this coming Tuesday, June 12th, from 6-8:30 pm at First Christian Church on the corner of Bakerview and Deemer Rd. This training is for everyone who signed up to volunteer and for anyone who would like to hear more about Family Promise before they commit to being a volunteer. All are welcome! If you have any questions before Tuesday, give Lorraine Brouwer a call.
Bible Reading for this Week: Pastor Scott’s sermon on June 17th will be from 2nd Corinthians, You are encouraged to spend time in 2nd Corinthians this week, especially chapters 8 and 9.
Missing Item: There is a handmade pink and white tissue box cover that has been inadvertently relocated from the ladies restroom in the foyer hallway. If you happen to see the box, would you kindly see that it is returned to its place? Thank you for your help.
Garage Sale Success!: We appreciate everyone who donated, shopped, staffed, and cleaned up after the garage sale that was held here on May 18 and 19. The adoption fund received $4500.00 from the sale! Three new daughters will be joining the Reed family soon. Thank you so much for your help!