Bulletin for Sunday 9:30am, July 29, 2018
Order of Worship
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Welcome & Greeting
Call to Worship: 1 Peter 1:3-5
10,000 Reasons
What a Beautiful Name
A Mighty Fortress
Offering: Benevolence Fund
Take My Life and Let it Be
Scripture: Psalm 16
Message: The Blessings of Knowing God
Psalm 62 (My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone)
Song of Hope
Reading for this Week
Please spend time reading through Psalms 40-52 for our next sermon, and Tobit for a coming sermon discussing a number of apocryphal works. Links to these readings may be found online at hopeinchristchurch.org. Click pastor’s blog from the dropdown menu under the pastor tab.
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
- Marlene B
- Mike & Diane B
- Anita, and AnaMaria, Isaac, Jonathon
- Bruce & Nancy C
Three Christians in Iran were arrested from their homes July 24 and 25 following the violent arrest of pastor Yousef Nadarkhani on Sunday (July 22), according to advocacy group Middle East Concern. Pastor Nadarkhani, a convert from Islam like the others arrested, was awaiting a summons to begin a 10-year prison sentence after his appeal of a conviction for “propagating house churches” and promoting “Zionist Christianity” was upheld in May.
Please pray that…
– the Lord will comfort and strengthen those arrested and their families and that the Christian community in Iran will trust the Lord and not be intimidated.
– the Iranian authorities will treat converts and other religious minorities with respect and that they and their families will not be wrongly and aggressively handled.
– those officials responsible for the persecution of Christians will be convicted of the injustice and repent and find new life in Christ.
CRC’s World Renew, Kenya: A few months ago World Renew was responding to drought emergencies throughout Kenya. Now heavy rains have caused flooding and loss across the country. Many people have lost loved ones, homes, farms, and livelihoods as a result. Please ask for God’s guidance for World Renew staff as they assess needs and comfort people affected by this disaster.
CRC’s Resonate Global Mission, Central Asia: Pray for our brothers and sisters in an unreached city in central Asia, asking God to give our missionaries wisdom, to open doors, and to provide ways to share Christ’s love.
- Greeters: Herm & Ali L
- Cookies: Gloria G, Rockelle R, Jan Sc
- Serving Assistants: Chantel, Caleb, Amariah
- Ushers: Helen B, Bud B
- Prayer Room: Christine S
- Foyer Monitor: Bud B
Children’s Sunday School: Calling all past, present, and future Sunday school teachers! It’s time to pick your spots for teaching our amazing kids in the two classes we have for the 2018/2019 church year. Sunday school starts September 9th, and ends June 2. You will find the sign up sheet in the August edition of the Heartbeat and posted in the foyer near the credenza. You have the option of signing up for a consecutive three week unit or six week unit. Please look closely at the dates listed in the units, as there are some breaks in the dates due to holidays or events.
Coffee & Cookie Time: Thank you to everyone who contributes to our fellowship time following the morning worship service by bringing cookies. If you are not on the cookie schedule and would like to be, let us know and we’ll sign you up! Parents, would you please ask your children to sit at the small tables in the foyer while they enjoy their cookies, crackers, cheese and juice? Thank you!
Legacy Church/LOWPC renovation update: Beginning at 4:30pm on Friday (8/3) a team will remove all the old carpet and float the floor in preparation for new carpet install. On Saturday (8/4) a team will install new carpet throughout entire building.
If you would like to volunteer to help with any part of the project, please call the office.
The August Heartbeat newsletter is available in the foyer, or on the website.
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s marker is: Sacrificial and Generous Living and Giving (Romans 12:1-8)
- We help people discover, develop, and deploy their spiritual gifts.
- We regularly, graciously, and unapologetically teach on the importance of financial stewardship in the spiritual growth of the Christian.
- We have many examples of lifestyle choices being made on the basis of stewardship and the priority God plays in the lives of our members.
This Week at Hope in Christ Church
8:15 Prayer group upstairs, all are welcome
9:30am Worship Service
Potluck Lunch
MONDAY (Office Closed)
7:00pm Pre-teen Catechism Class
8:00pm Teen Catechism Class
TUESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
WEDNESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
10:00am Men’s Fellowship – Over Easy Restaurant
11:00am Recker Cleaning Crew
7:00pm Elders Meeting
7:00pm Deacons Meeting
THURSDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
6:30am Men’s Support Group
1:00pm Bulletin Deadline
7:00pm Praise Team Practice
FRIDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
SATURDAY (Office Closed)