Order of Worship
Lord, Reign in Me
Ancient Words
May the Mind of Christ My Savior
Speak, O Lord
Litany: Psalm 51, HC Q. 21, Apostles’ Creed
I Know Whom I Have Believed
Offering: Kingdom Advancement Fund
Meekness and Majesty
Scripture Psalm 14
Message: Foolishness Will Get You Nowhere
By Faith
Song: Benediction
Our Congregational Bible Reading is entirely focused upon apocryphal works: 1 & 2 Maccabees, 2 Esdras. This is due to the length of the work and the historical importance it has in giving the history immediately prior to the beginning of the New Testament. Links to these readings may be found online at hopeinchristchurch.org under “pastor” then “pastor’s blog.” Or, at www.biblegateway.com, click “Bible Book List” under the search box to see a dropdown list of choices.
Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:
- Karen F
- Anne G
- Scott E
- Georgi & Paulino E.
- Jessie F
- Virginia F
CRC (World Renew) Haiti—In 2016, Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti, leaving much of the country devastated. Amid other struggles following the disaster, the people in Port-au-Prince are now protesting increased fuel prices. Several people have been arrested, but there have been no reports of serious injuries. Please pray for peace and continued healing in Haiti.
CRC (Resonate) Sabbath—A Resonate church planter asks us to join in this prayer emphasizing the importance of rest and observing Sabbath in our walk with Christ: “Lead me, Lord, in how to honor you in the way I am living life. Help me to trust you with all my needs, to enjoy rest, and to worship you wholeheartedly in all that I do. Set me free to orient my life around you and you alone.”
The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is:
Fruitful Organizational Structures (Exodus 18:13‐26, Acts 6:1-7)
- We can articulate a compelling, Christ-honoring vision for our church.
- We embrace evaluation as normal and natural and work through conflict constructively.
- Our organizational structures are designed to be efficient at making decisions while at the same time building congregational ownership for those decisions.
Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Study: Ruth requests that participants of the Wednesday Bible Study speak with her this morning regarding a September start date.
Father and Son Hike: If anyone is interested in helping Brian and Scott E pick the trail, please join them at the new Bellingham Beer Garden, 500 Carolina St, two blocks west of James, at 8:15 this coming Tuesday evening (Aug 14). The hike is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Aug 31 and Sep 1.
Piano Needs a Home: There is a piano and bench that was moved from the ministry house and is being stored. Please call the church office if you are interested.
Lost and Found: Are you missing a plastic bag that contains spoons and a cheese knife, marked with red? Please see Ruth or Elaine if it is yours.
Children’s Sunday School: Calling all past, present, and future Sunday school teachers! It’s time to pick your spots for teaching our amazing kids in the two classes we have for the 2018/2019 church year. Sunday school starts September 9th, and ends June 2. You will find the sign up sheet in the August edition of the Heartbeat and posted in the foyer near the credenza. You have the option of signing up for a consecutive three week unit or six week unit. Please look closely at the dates listed in the units, as there are some breaks in the dates due to holidays or events.
Kids’ Craft Camp: Darlys will have Kids’ Craft Camp again this summer to share some fun craft time with friends before school starts. Crafters from first-grade age through adult are welcome to come Monday and Tuesday, August 20 and 21 to the foyer from 10 AM to 4 PM. A registration flyer is available in the foyer on the shelf by the bulletins. Adults are welcome to join the fun and help as needed.
- Greeters: Karen S, Chris
- Cookies: Ida, Jen R, Marjie
- Serving Assistants: Kylie, Zeke, Brenna
- Ushers: Joe & Barb Z
- Foyer Monitor: Joe Z
- Prayer Room: Denise
This Week at Hope in Christ Church
8:15am Prayer upstairs, all are welcome
9:30am Worship Service
4:30pm Jesus Gathering
MONDAY (Office Closed)
7:00pm Pre-teen Catechism Class
8:00pm Teen Catechism Class
TUESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
WEDNESDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
11:00am Recker Cleaning Crew
THURSDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
6:30am Men’s Support Group – Herm Laninga (733-1415)
1:00pm Bulletin Deadline
7:00pm Praise Team Practice- Melissa Koning (360-870-3552)
FRIDAY (Office Hours: 8:30-3:00)
SATURDAY (Office Closed)