Bulletin – Week of December 30, 2018

Bulletin – Week of December 30, 2018

Welcome to Hope in Christ Church! We are so glad you have joined us today.  After the service, we invite you to stay for a potluck lunch. There are various small groups that meet during the week.  You are welcome to visit and find one that is right for you!

December 30, 2018    Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

Order of Worship

Call to Worship    Isaiah 9:2

Prince of Peace

Holy, Holy, Holy! (Lord God Almighty)

Welcome & Greeting

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Jesus, Son of God

In Christ Alone

Offering    Benevolence Fund


Profession of Faith    Caleb R

Scripture    Luke 2:41-52

Message    Twelve Years Old

Solid Rock


My Friends May You Grow in Grace


Read through Chapter 1 of “Believe” this week. If you do not have a book yet, see Pastor Scott or an elder this morning and they will be glad to give you one. Following is a message from Ida Richards, Council President. (Please keep in mind that no one will be asked to share “on the spot,” but will be offered the opportunity well in advance of the speaking date.)

From Ida:  As we begin our study of Believe, the elders are changing the focus of our sharing time from Testimony to Reflections on the chapter. These are the questions for each person who will share their Reflections:

  1. What in this chapter spoke to me the most?  Was there something I saw in a new light?
  2. What in this chapter draws me to live more fully for Christ?
  3. Is there something that I would want to share from my heart with someone who may not know Jesus as their Savior?

As each of us reads the chapter, think about these questions.  If you are asked to share your Reflections, prepare a 3-5 minute reply to these questions!


Each week we pray for members of our church family. Suggested prayers are for their spiritual growth, opportunities to see Christ in their everyday lives, and anything else that God puts on your mind for them. This week please pray for:

  • Mitch & Rochelle S:  Jonathan, Elisha, Peter
  • Keith S
  • Kyle S
  • Phil & Jolene S:  Maggie, Clara, Alice
  • Karen S


The congregation of Hope in Christ Church has made the Spirit-filled decision to move forward and become a healthy missional church. This week’s Missional Marker is: Fruitful organizational structures (Exodus 18:13‐26, Acts 6:1-7)

  • We can articulate a compelling, Christ-honoring vision for our church.
  • We embrace evaluation as normal and natural and work through conflict constructively.
  • Our organizational structures are designed to be efficient at making decisions while at the same time building congregational ownership for those decisions.

Sunday School Memory Verses

  • Wonder Class: Numbers 6:24-26
  • Dive Class: Psalm 23
  • Marvel Class: Matthew 7:7-8


New Year’s Eve Party: The Roberts kids will be hosting a New Year’s Eve Party at the church tomorrow evening, Dec 31, starting at 6:00 p.m.. There will be movies of various types throughout the night as well as games and fellowship. Please bring food and drinks to share.

Materials from The Story: All of the leftover and unused materials (books, CDs, cards, posters, etc.) that we do not need anymore will be gifted to another group who could use them. There is a box in the foyer for the materials that you do not want to keep.

Women’s Severe Weather Shelter for the Lighthouse Mission: Our church has signed up to provide chili and rolls each Wednesday evening for the women at the shelter. If you would like to provide rolls or a crockpot of chili, choose your Wednesday and sign up on the poster in the foyer. Please remember to put your name on your crockpot.

Lighthouse Gala, Auction: The Lighthouse Mission is having its annual “Light in the Night” Gala and Auction on March 2 at 5 p.m. at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel in Bellingham. Enjoy live entertainment, dinner, a silent auction, raffle and inspiring stories of transformation among men, women and children who have experienced homelessness. For more information about the event, including how to be a sponsor or donate auction items, contact Alissa at (360) 733-5120, ext. 109, or alissa.lmm@gmail.com. For more information about the Mission, visit www.thelighthousemission.org.

SERVANTS NEXT SUNDAY:  January 6, 2019: 

  • Prayer Room:  Jay K
  • Serving Assistants:  AnaMaria, Brenna, Amber
  • Cookies:  Marilyn K, Deloris P
  • Greeters:  Denise D, Lisa O
  • Ushers:  Helen B, Joe P (foyer)
  • Children’s Leaders:  Diane B, Zeke, Christine S, Melissa K, Aaron S

This Week at Hope in Christ Church


8:15 a.m.  Prayer upstairs, all are welcome

9:30 a.m.  Worship Service

Potluck Lunch

MONDAY (Office Closed)

6:00 p.m.  New Years Party at Church

TUESDAY (Office Closed)

Happy New Year!

WEDNESDAY (Office Hours:  8:30-3:00)

11:00 a.m.  Recker Cleaning Crew

THURSDAY (Office Hours:  8:30-3:00)

6:30 a.m.  Men’s Support Group – Herm Laninga (733-1415)

1:00 p.m.  Bulletin Deadline

7:00 p.m.  Men’s Bible Study

7:00 p.m. Praise Team Practice

FRIDAY (Office Hours:  8:30-3:00)

SATURDAY (Office Closed)




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